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Shao Kahn thread, please... pathetic fools!

Where's the dedicated Shao Kahn character thread?! The character's all but confirmed for MK2011 and is the lead antagonist of the series - why no thread!?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Seems there aren't too many Kahn fans... GOOD! Lessens the chance of n00bish mirror matches on-line!
lol after MKDC I can see why...haha

But offline Kahn's crap.

Anywho, I kind of wouldn't mind if he wasn't playable but he probably will be.


I hope hes not playable either. Boss characters should know they're role and stay boss characters.
I think it would be pretty cool if people like Goro and Shao Kahn were playable for tournaments.

As long as they're not batshit broken or complete bullshit to fight against. I'm lookin' at you Nu-13.
I beg to differ and with good reason. Shao Kahn is no different than any other character other than him being the Master of MK. He deserves to be apart of the MK9 roster along with other boss characters just like any other character. I think people such as yourself fear that he could pose a threat maybe because he's made to be just that. I dont mean any disrespect, just stating my opinion but Shao Kahn is like everyone else GREAT if you can use him accordingly. Sure MK Trilogy he was Over Powered but what about MKvsDC? He was balanced in that game. When he officially joins the MK9 roster I will MOST DEFINETLY be maining him.


Justice 4 Firestorm
I want Kahn playable, and I'm sure he will be. If I start playing online, noobs using him will just get owned by my main, Cyborg Smoke.
It takes one person to make Shao Kahn great. Im certain that that person is me. People tend to look as Kahn as a crappy character for reasons such as being overpowered or to slow, etc. He has always been one of the BEST fighters on every MK game he was apart of. Games like MKvsDC was one of them.


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It takes one person to make Shao Kahn great. Im certain that that person is me. People tend to look as Kahn as a crappy character for reasons such as being overpowered or to slow, etc. He has always been one of the BEST fighters on every MK game he was apart of. Games like MKvsDC was one of them.
Bosses being playable leads to a lot of headache and dispute and MK has always had their bosses unplayable in the early years and IMO... it should stay that way.
U do pose a good point. It was like that all the way up to UMK3. As soon as trilogy hit it was a different story. I think bosses should be playable as long as they're balanced in terms of power. I want it to be fair for people.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Kahn is CRAP!!!

IF he is playable, i can already see people tryin to play him like its MKDC
I agree with you here....especially with online, that's the only reason people picked Kahn online in MKDC because of lag tactics+spammed shoulder pro ram=near to unstoppable...online, offline he's junk ;)

That being said, Kahn should NOT be playable...he's a boss, leave him that instead of an easy tool for scrubs to abuse online...
Kahn is like one of those guys if you got him "Great!", if you don't "No biggie."

He's one of "those guys" who if you've got him, then I for one buy the game. If not, I pirate it! ^_-

I agree with you here....especially with online, that's the only reason people picked Kahn online in MKDC because of lag tactics+spammed shoulder pro ram=near to unstoppable...online, offline he's junk ;)

That being said, Kahn should NOT be playable...he's a boss, leave him that instead of an easy tool for scrubs to abuse online...
Ummm... WTF does this have to do with Kahn per se?!
Scrubs whore anything that makes winning easy. Look at Ryu in SFIV; training wheels character whored by every scrub and Evo winner.

Kahn being not playable on the grounds some hollow-head scrub wants to whore him is the most asinine reasoning I've ever heard. With that kind of warped logic you may as well just make all games mirror matches!

MK2011 is meant to be "for the fans". As such fans of ALL the games' characters should be catered for if possible. And seeing Kahn is the game's iconic antagonist, he should be playable. Nerf him for ranked/tourny play if you must, even ban him, but playable he must be. Those who think Kahn and co. should be mere window dressing aren't true fans of the franchise and care only for their own clone characters to be present.

Goro's X-ray has been shown now, so chances of the bosses being fully fleshed out kombatants and to be nothing but CPU adjuncts at the end of an arcade mode most won't touch after the frist few hours of play, is becoming less likely by the character reveal.


Premium Supporter
U do pose a good point. It was like that all the way up to UMK3. As soon as trilogy hit it was a different story. I think bosses should be playable as long as they're balanced in terms of power. I want it to be fair for people.
This doesn't exactly make sense... how can they be balanced in power when one is a boss character and the other is a regular character? Especially when we're talking about Kahn and Goro.
This doesn't exactly make sense... how can they be balanced in power when one is a boss character and the other is a regular character? Especially when we're talking about Kahn and Goro.
Old... but Kahn's in and playable.

The tears of those dismayed at having to face the Emperor sustains me! ^_^