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Shang Tsung logic for MK X.

Shang Tsung in MK9 was not able to morph into every character in the roster due to RAM limitations on PS3 and Xbox 360. So they added the soul steal move where he could become a stronger version of the opponent he was playing.

MK X is also being devoloped for PS3 and Xbox 360 according to the Warner Bros. tweet. So MK X will also have to be developed with RAM limitations in mind.

If Shang Tsung is in MK X he will not be able to morph into every character in the game. Either that or they will have a Shang Tsung for next gen, and a Shang Tsung for old gen, but this is unlikely due to patching and future changes.

Therefore, Shang in MK X will either have soul steal again, or will only be able to morph into a limited number of characters, maybe chosen by his different version at the character select screen?



Or he could be a next-gen exclusive (I predict they'll have some next-gen exclusive, honestly).
At least in the Playstation version of MK Trilogy, you could select an option that required the Shang Tsung player to choose a few characters at the select screen before the match to make them useable for morphing, thus preventing mid-match loading pauses. Perhaps MKX can use this method? I know MK9 did it (not for player usage) with Ladder A.I. Shang Tsung: he has three extra characters loaded up, plus his opponent's character, ready for him to morph into. (Exception is Tag Ladder A.I. Shang: he had only one extra character)


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Its also a balance issue guys. If Shang could indefinitely switch to another character why in the world would anyone pick anyone beside Shang in tournament?

He'd just be everyone's character but with more options.

Keep Soul Steal, it was fine.
Its also a balance issue guys. If Shang could indefinitely switch to another character why in the world would anyone pick anyone beside Shang in tournament?
He'd just be everyone's character but with more options.
Keep Soul Steal, it was fine.
It'd be foolish to let the Shang Tsung stay morphed as another character for however long the player wishes unless there was some price to pay for it.
Some balancing thoughts: Shang Tsung morphs into a weaker version of the character he morphs into, or he has a bit of recovery when he morphs in and out (for vulnerability), or perhaps he has to spend super meter to morph for a short time.

Yeah, I like the Soul Steal morph concept, too. Hold up: If Shang Tsung makes it into MKX, perhaps his different "versions" or "playstyles" could include having different morphing methods? Like the old Soul Steal thing with enhanced power on morph, or a another style with pre-loaded character morphing that includes drawbacks to balance it?

Just throwing ideas here; don't mind me.


i think that the soul steal of MK9 is very good idea and want save it, because it's make shang little bit harder to play, i mean shang player should know to play all characters to master him, and if he can transform to all so he will transform always in the top tier character and it will suck and easy, and the guy has to learn only top tier characters


Philanthropist & Asshole
Shang was great in MK9. If he's in MKX, then i agree with most of the above - Soul Steal is fine.


Original Liu Kang cop.
Definitely keep Shang the way he was in MK9. He was a really great design in my opinion and soul steal was a fantastic way to solve the problem of morphing into people.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
To my understanding, that only applied to the 3D MK games due to the PS2 being the lead development platform for them, a system with not so great bandwidth. I'm fairly sure they just didn't want to take the risk in MK9.

Its also a balance issue guys. If Shang could indefinitely switch to another character why in the world would anyone pick anyone beside Shang in tournament?

He'd just be everyone's character but with more options.

Keep Soul Steal, it was fine.
Shang was easily bottom 5 throughout the MK3 series despite that.


Meta saltmine
I really don't think that RAM issue affected Shang in any way. Maybe it contributed, but I believe he was never going to become what he was in Trilogy. Soulsteal was a good idea IMO and it kinda worked.

And yes, I really want him back...


"I wore those colors before you"
I really don't think that RAM issue affected Shang in any way. Maybe it contributed, but I believe he was never going to become what he was in Trilogy. Soulsteal was a good idea IMO and it kinda worked.

And yes, I really want him back...
ya i find it weird that we are in 2014 and developers talk about ram limitations. but as u said, sousteal works way better with his character


Meta saltmine
ya i find it weird that we are in 2014 and developers talk about ram limitations. but as u said, sousteal works way better with his character
It's not that I think that bringing up technicall issues would be stupid these days (in fact, I've heard something on engine limitations having something to do with amount of characters that can be used simultaneously), but the very concept of "I'm anyone" character looks rather problematic to me.


"I wore those colors before you"
It's not that I think that bringing up technicall issues would be stupid these days (in fact, I've heard something on engine limitations having something to do with amount of characters that can be used simultaneously), but the very concept of "I'm anyone" character looks rather problematic to me.
totally agree here, i prefer the concept of (im changing into a stronger version of you mo**rfu**r and im kicking the living crap out of you).

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
While I love Shang, the way that morph was integrated into MK9 was sort of lame. One of the biggest appeals of Shang in past MK games was that he could become anybody in the whole roster. I would be fine with removing the damage boost if he had that option again, or at least the ability to select a few characters to morph into like in MK trilogy.


King of the Bill
I think soul steal is fine but what would be cool is if certain target combo strings would incorporate a morph into another specific character to end the combo, just to remind everyone he does have that power. That way it's pre determined and programmed into the combo. Also, instead of giving him so many damn fireballs, maybe he can have a special where he command throws and turns into Bane. Jk though but seriously, it would be cool to see him transform mid combo or as a special move that isn't soul steal


"On your Knees!"
You know if you are on the character selection screen and when you pick you fighter the way the announcer aka Shao Kahn pronounces their name sounds like he likes them or not. For instance when you pick Shang the way Shao Kahn says his name sounds like he is proud of him, saying SHANG TSUNG! and if you pick Raiden Shao Kahn sounds like he dislikes him he says his name in a monotone voice. or when you pick Kung Lao he yells it etc. Kinda funny though.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
I like the idea of morphing being an attack and damage boost. I don't really want to memorize inputs for transformations for all the characters again and also relearn how to play them.fdb3 is fine with me but I'd like to see what NRS does if they bring him back