"Thanks" button abuser.
Belial es awesome (L).Thanks for replay. Am sad to hear you dont play this game anymore. I am working on Tsung slowly whenever i get the chance after work. After the f4~GS the b2 might be good. As far as f434, this move is almost burned out for me. My fellow opponents that i spar with on regular basis upercut me in-between lol, or with d1.
I developed a new AA that isnt much more powerful then you provided in this guide, but it dose some more damage.
1, 1,2, f43~db4, db4+blk, du4, SS =12Hits, 29%DMG.
Go for
1, dash, f4,3, mid ground skull, and SS or Upskull pressure as ender. Does about 25% and is meterless.