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Several NEW Reptile Mix up Cross Ups! (Insane)

SEVERAL NEW Reptile Mix ups! (Insane)

Whats up everyone, So i just made several new mix ups, And I gotta share it with you guys.. they are just absolutely insane. Ive pulled these off in games and its just making reptile a beast.. making him better and better.. Okay, so now, in this video, you will notice Two Of the mix ups I will be covering, now, these are in the Corner.
JIP 321 reptillian hand 321 slow ball 1221 (insert mix up here) 39% these will all be NO bars..
JIP 321 EH reptillian hand 4 Slow ball 321 fast ball 1221 (insert mix up here) 47% These will all be ONE bar.

I also have one new combo that will be covered in the video, its a 51%.
Theres a DOUBLE cross up mix all in one combo that will be covered as well.
321 Reppy dash 321 EH slow ball forward forward 32 invisiblity reppy dash.
I'm telling you guys, these mix ups are absolutely insane.. i've started to use these against my opponents and they sure are pissing off my opponents big times.. The rest shall be covered in my video, enjoy, and give some feed back on what you think!!
I posted this before, and the video was blocked. hopefully this problem has been fixed! Youtube, come on man! Had a lot of trouble uploading this..

Anyways, reptile has just been turned up a notch!


Bravo, Bravo Muffin.. These were excellent mix ups! I've never thought you could 1224 out of the corner like that! Thats just awesome, good job... 50%+ mix ups for one bar? wow.. Can't believe people can think of these type of things.


since 1995
That 1 bar corner combo for 47% is genius! my previous corner combo was JNP 321 Elbow Dash 321 Elbow Dash 321 Slide with no EX bar (don't remeber % right now) and JNP 321 Acid Hand 321 EX Acid Hand 321 Slide for 1 bar (42%). The idea of doing Invisibility mid combo to bait a response from your opponent is interesting. I will start implementing this to my strategy as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing!

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Inventive stuff, and some potentially great setups. Any chance we can see some footage of them in an actual match?

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Good shit. I've seen this before in combo videos by CHECK and TylerLantern but never in an actual match.

I can't see myself using this though because I like keeping an enemy in the corner.
Inventive stuff, and some potentially great setups. Any chance we can see some footage of them in an actual match?
Possibly.. I can either play with my friend while he records it, or when I'm on mortal mondays, it shall be shown. You should try it, its amazing.


The Mad_Hattr
Those are some BEASTLY combos! I like seeing the 4~forceball in the corner after the EN Acid Hand. I had been using 32~forceball after the EN acid hand, but i'd drop every so often due to timing. I will definitely using this alot! Thanks
Great video i havent use that 1221 before the last sfb, gonna try and see if i can do more corner damage.
I got some corner combos with rep are more eficient with less bar. i hope to do a video to show but im not sure when. but for your knowledge: 63% 3 bars corner combo - 58% two bars corner combo - 51% 1 bar corner combo - 47% no bar corner combo - 42% mid screen no bar combo ( you can put end of your choice) - 39% no meter mid screen combo (mixup with invicibility, sfb, etc)

PS: i prefer to keep them on corner than do a 3% away from the wall of death :D

Saludos From Chile
Thanks for everyones replys, no your all saying youd rather keep them in the corner, well, if your playing against good players, they can expect a corner rape, so why not change it up a bit and add pressure? :D
Good shit. I've seen this before in combo videos by CHECK and TylerLantern but never in an actual match.

I can't see myself using this though because I like keeping an enemy in the corner.
This particular combo has not been invented by check or Tyler Lantern, the one invented by tyler lantern is 321 EH reptillian hand JIK 321 EHReptillian hand F2 B1 1224 dash D4 EH slide.
I took parts off it though, such as the 1224 dash d4. Thats it.


Muffin, i've come back to thank you on these mix ups! This is some serious shit!
I've pulled your one bar combo with reptile, and oh my god, the damage output was insane! not to mention he totally got annihalated by this!
I was fighting him in the second round, had him in the corner, i had 2 bars he none due to a breaker from the first round I hit him with a JIP 321 EH reptillian hand 4 slow ball 321 Fast ball 1224 dash D4 dash, and his wake up totally got screwed! Because it was a rain player! Even he went what the hell, the cross up! After dealing 47% damage off of that, I hit him with your block string, 32 Invisiblity, 122 slow ball,, and he got hit by the 1 because he tried stabbing at me! this is one of the best baiting combos ever! then I ended the combo with 321 Regular invis and force balled him to death, im just saying, once your in this mix up, all I can say is that it will frustrate your character, this is very nice Muffin.
47% +29% = 76% damage, which I just basically zoned him from there since I did regular invis, this is great!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
good stuff man! :top:

last combo was my fav as it put them back in the corner, if i have some in the corner i dont want to combo them out of it, maybe just my baraka brain thinkung that (but i do see its bein done for mixup mindfuck reasons)

ps,ya might want to edit the original post, u have 1224 instead of 1221
i hope to do a video to show but im not sure when. but for your knowledge: 63% 3 bars corner combo - 58% two bars corner combo - 51% 1 bar corner combo - 47% no bar corner combo - 42% mid screen no bar combo ( you can put end of your choice) - 39% no meter mid screen combo (mixup with invicibility, sfb, etc)

PS: i prefer to keep them on corner than do a 3% away from the wall of death :D

Saludos From Chile

Forgot to add that all my combos have never been tryed or shown, its all new tech invented by me ;]
Great video i havent use that 1221 before the last sfb, gonna try and see if i can do more corner damage.
I got some corner combos with rep are more eficient with less bar. i hope to do a video to show but im not sure when. but for your knowledge: 63% 3 bars corner combo - 58% two bars corner combo - 51% 1 bar corner combo - 47% no bar corner combo - 42% mid screen no bar combo ( you can put end of your choice) - 39% no meter mid screen combo (mixup with invicibility, sfb, etc)

PS: i prefer to keep them on corner than do a 3% away from the wall of death :D

Saludos From Chile

This is a direct reply to your ps. I dont think you understood the D4 Dash. the D4 dash is a cross up, hence ruining their cross up buttons making it oppisite, which means you are free to string and even hit another combo.
Inventive stuff, and some potentially great setups. Any chance we can see some footage of them in an actual match?
If you'd want to, we could do some matches and we can test them out, I've done the D4 mix up cross up on my opponents and it works all the time.
This is a direct reply to your ps. I dont think you understood the D4 Dash. the D4 dash is a cross up, hence ruining their cross up buttons making it oppisite, which means you are free to string and even hit another combo.
I'm sorry, you're right the last D4 is a cross up, great stuf man, hope we can exange ideas some time.
i have seen your videos and you have come with great mix up, 32 invicibility (anti wake up dash) works exelent for me. when i saw it i figure it out what i have been thinking for so long. thanks for that.
I'm sorry, you're right the last D4 is a cross up, great stuf man, hope we can exange ideas some time.
i have seen your videos and you have come with great mix up, 32 invicibility (anti wake up dash) works exelent for me. when i saw it i figure it out what i have been thinking for so long. thanks for that.
Your welcome, and in a few moments, Im posting another reptle mix up vidoe, and its critical to listen to this one, have fun with that, your gonna go crazy with it, ill tag ya in it.