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Sega Model 2 Collection for PSN/XBL!


Bone and Metal
Literally the only reason to play Sonic The Fighters on here for me is to play as Metal Sonic and Robotnik without Action Replay, lul.


Not sure, I don't see why not though.

Yeah I hear that, I wanted a Saturn just for all the fighters when I was a kid, a friend of my mum's had a shitload of the Japanese stuff (MSHvsSF is still my favorite VS. game, I don't get why it's not on MVC Origins) but it was sooo asininely expensive, still is actually, and the N64 was complete arse besides Rare's games imo, so we had to settle for the PS1+ Tekken/Soul Blade, plus it was a 1000-series PS1 with the analog-less pads, and it was easy as fuck to run pirated games on it :p

That said, there's USB Saturn pads going around now, sucks they don't work on 360.

Yes, they will have online play.


Wasn't Virtua Cop 2 a model 2 game as well? I remember when these graphics were bleeding edge.


Well, the games are out. As much as I want to get Fighting Vipers, I recently heard that Nights was patched to make it control 100% like the original. Sort of torn in between finally picking up Nights or one of these games.