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Season 3 Skins RE SKINS OF SKINS . Kung Lao, Jade, Lui Kang


I want the other 2 revenant skins per character made into regular human skins.

Liu Kang with that dragon tattoo and shirtless Kung Lao should look awesome in human form.


This will probably motivate me to grind some more wins than season 2 ever is. I want those Jade & Kitana skins. Been feeling discouraged about level-ing up my skill and with the rewards that season 2 give don't help.

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
Kitana in that costume must have that kahn mask thing like in story mode or it just looks weird to me. but I am fine with the humanized jade and kitan skins. Lui Kang is just not Lui Kang if he isn't shirtless. and while we are at it....Erron Black needs his shirtless outfit from MKX back too. For some reason I just do not like buns unless it is a fancy updo. Kitana pulled it off in MKX but she is walking the line on this one. Skarlet wins the game for having best hairstyles. I'm such a jerk, sorry. lol. Others have good hair too but it seems Skarlett has the most diverse options. Sindel and Nightwolf need lots of hair/headress options.

Anyhow....I really liked the revenant skin of Kitana from MKX. Also, all of Tanya's outfits for the most part post MK4 were great. Rain always had great outfits. but they are I guess busy doing other things right now so I digress.