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Scrub Reset

I like to play with Cyrax, but for the love of me, I cannot do -any- of those resets top players do or anything Tony-T related. I just can't do it. I've practiced constantly, I've tried all the angles, listened to all the useless J360 advice and scrubby Mustard tech, and so I finally came up with a reset for scrubs like me who have absolutely no execution ability with Cyrax.

Now, the typical combo I used to do was the old school non-reset:
JIP21xxNet, JIP21xxENBomb, Midbomb, Uppercut, B2, 121xxAAGrab: 59%
Unfortunately, you can't put a guy back into pressure that easily sans Mustard's tech.

So, I do this, and honestly, it is impossible to fail. No really, like, it's probably the easiest john in the world considering you have a -ridiculous- margin of error.

JIP21xxNet, JIP21xxENBomb, Midbomb, Dash, 1xxNet (or 2 for an extra 1%), NJP, B2, 121xxAAGrab: 64%
if you want to put them back into pressure with falling net recovery, you can switch the 121 for 33xxNet: 54% into pressure.

This is not for damage purposes. This is simply for people like me who can't execute a damn thing with Cyrax, and this reset if 19/20 times unfailable. It's that effortlessly easy. I'm aware this does a lot less damage than other resets. But I can't do those, so here's this.

In the corner, you can do....
JIP21xxNet, JIP21xxENBomb, Midbomb, Dash, 1xxNet (or 2 for an extra 1%), NJP, B2, 21, 121xxNet, 33xxAAGrab: 68%,Alternatively, it will do 64% if you simply do 121xxNet for netfall recovery into pressure.

There yah go. Easy beezy scrubby resets.


Head Cage
I like to play with Cyrax, but for the love of me, I cannot do -any- of those resets top players do or anything Tony-T related. I just can't do it. I've practiced constantly, I've tried all the angles, listened to all the useless J360 advice and scrubby Mustard tech, and so I finally came up with a reset for scrubs like me who have absolutely no execution ability with Cyrax.
Its only useless b/c you lack the ability to use such great tech.
Dude. I've tried ages and ages of devoted time to practicing those combos.
I've got 24+ hours ingame and probably just as much in practice...

I can't do it. J's showed me everyway possible and every tip for the reset and whatnot. I practiced. Can't do it even 1 in 30 tries.
I've done the reset, in full, maybe 2 in a 100 tries.


Dude. I've tried ages and ages of devoted time to practicing those combos.
I've got 24+ hours ingame and probably just as much in practice...

I can't do it. J's showed me everyway possible and every tip for the reset and whatnot. I practiced. Can't do it even 1 in 30 tries.
I've done the reset, in full, maybe 2 in a 100 tries.
out of curiosity, what part of the reset gives you trouble?
This is the reset that i find the most effective and easiest.
JP 21 net, JP 21 ex bomb, dash (just half a dash and cancel into..> ff4, 123, bb4 ,dash back, net (reset)... NJP, b2, 121, air grab.
Brady calls this "Mickey Mouse combo" lol
out of curiosity, what part of the reset gives you trouble?
After the Ex-bomb,midbomb (that is if I don't move back or forward >.<), when I do 123xxClosebomb (or is it 124?), the bomb doesn't come out and so I can't net the opponent into the reset...
When the bomb does come out, the midbomb from earlier does not pop up the opponent when he gets hit into it from 123/4.


put the dummy on block, practice DASHxx1,2,3xxCB

you should move forward almost a full dash before starting 1,2,3, you need to cancel the dash with the 1.

After you get that link 100% on a grounded opponent, incorporate it in the reset. If you dont dash forward first, the midbomb wont pop them up... if you dont practice the link by itself the close bomb wont come out.


I like to play with Cyrax, but for the love of me, I cannot do -any- of those resets top players do or anything Tony-T related. I just can't do it. I've practiced constantly, I've tried all the angles, listened to all the useless J360 advice and scrubby Mustard tech, and so I finally came up with a reset for scrubs like me who have absolutely no execution ability with Cyrax.

Now, the typical combo I used to do was the old school non-reset:
JIP21xxNet, JIP21xxENBomb, Midbomb, Uppercut, B2, 121xxAAGrab: 59%
Unfortunately, you can't put a guy back into pressure that easily sans Mustard's tech.

So, I do this, and honestly, it is impossible to fail. No really, like, it's probably the easiest john in the world considering you have a -ridiculous- margin of error.

JIP21xxNet, JIP21xxENBomb, Midbomb, Dash, 1xxNet (or 2 for an extra 1%), NJP, B2, 121xxAAGrab: 64%
if you want to put them back into pressure with falling net recovery, you can switch the 121 for 33xxNet: 54% into pressure.

This is not for damage purposes. This is simply for people like me who can't execute a damn thing with Cyrax, and this reset if 19/20 times unfailable. It's that effortlessly easy. I'm aware this does a lot less damage than other resets. But I can't do those, so here's this.

In the corner, you can do....
JIP21xxNet, JIP21xxENBomb, Midbomb, Dash, 1xxNet (or 2 for an extra 1%), NJP, B2, 21, 121xxNet, 33xxAAGrab: 68%,Alternatively, it will do 64% if you simply do 121xxNet for netfall recovery into pressure.

There yah go. Easy beezy scrubby resets.
thank you, we are in the same leaky boat and you just helped me from sinking!


Command Grabber
Your welcome :p
I was thinking, surely, I cannot be the only lost soul who has no execution with Cyrax.
Damn you've only got 24+ hours of in game practice? Mortal Kombat was my first fighting game and I couldn't even do BNB combos the first month I had the game. I had to set aside a whole day for practice just so I preform Sub-Zero's 2,1,4 ice slide
properly. I didn't even consider learning Cyrax's resets until I heard they wouldn't patch them. Now I can do any of Cyrax's most damaging, impractical 80%+ resets after around an hour of practice. I can do any character's BNB (except maybe Sheeva's) just by memory and around 15min of practice. I'm an MK addict so I have passion for the game. If you try hard enough and find your own method to help you preform the resets you'll have them in no time.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
<--- Not a Cyrax player but is capable of doing 100% resets =D

EDIT: my execution is complete crap. I cannot end a Kabal combo with a F4 x NDC for the life of me. It always comes out as 4 x ND(not even cancelled)

I can't even B1 x NDC pressure with Kabal.

But my Skarlet play is on point.Now to actually learn how to play her.


A prop on the stage of life.
That easy combo you listed(not a reset).....I CAN'T DO IT!!! I tell my friend I'm going to show him I can do it and when I play someone and get them with 2,1, net I get excited....then the EX bomb doesn't come out! FUCKKKKKK!!! I don't play cyrax but I know the inputs...lol


Jesus Fucking Christ
I have absolutely no trouble with Cyrax's resets. When I have the meter to burn I can pull out 90% without worrying about dropping (I think it's Check's 100% reset sans uppercut which I may be able to pull off now but have a sneaking suspicion it only works on Sheeva). Reacting is where I'm lacking. Of course, I haven't played anybody decent offline and we all know how shitty online mode is, so this might explain my lackluster reaction times. I opt not to use the resets on the off-chance that I pick Cyrax but that's just a personal thing. I could understand people wanting to use every tool at their disposal for the sake of wins.

I'm a classically trained musician so muscle memory isn't an issue for me. I would definitely suggest practicing those combo segments where you're most likely to drop. Say it's the half dash into the 1, 33xxbomb, net as they fall. Meticulously practice by starting with a neutral jump punch, dash forward 1, dash forward 1 (to let them fall closer to the ground as you might notice happens during the full combo) and then half dash 33xxbomb. Rinse and repeat. That's how I learn segments of musical pieces that give my fingers trouble. I single out the spot that's audibly lacking, identify the issue and address it until I my hands feel broken. My Kabal rushdown is pretty solid. Took time to nail the f+3 NDC and 2 NDC but after identifying my trouble areas and working them to death I can take it full screen without dropping a cancel.


Dojo Trainee
I got a cheap reset lol

jp 21net jp 21 enh bomb mid bomb net. njp b2 33 net djp uppercut.

Does like 55% lol
<--- Not a Cyrax player but is capable of doing 100% resets =D

EDIT: my execution is complete crap. I cannot end a Kabal combo with a F4 x NDC for the life of me. It always comes out as 4 x ND(not even cancelled)

I can't even B1 x NDC pressure with Kabal.

But my Skarlet play is on point.Now to actually learn how to play her.
I also had trouble with B1xNDC until recently where I learned to instead of b1x bf4 cancel, I just press b1x f4 cancel. It's kind of a shortcut and it works :D


Kneel before me
Jip 2,1 net jip 2,1 en bomb ( with the close bomb) then med bomb with slight dash 1,2,3 close bomb (must link or no bomb) net njp b2 121 ragdoll bomb pressure ...that's the easier reset imo try that ill bet you'll have it down in 10 minutes