id leave cage and kit at 7-3. cyrax and sonya both have the potential to be 8-2, these matchups are just so ridiculous, cyrax is by far the worst matchup i've played with scorpion, seriously, he needs one bar and you are so boned, especially with his command grab mixups, and his ridiculous ability to keep you out while also threatening a reset. Sonya just pressures you to shit. Cage is tough to deal with, but sonya has options fullscreen vs scorpion, plus her d4 is ridiculous to deal with in footsies, cage is easy to wiff punish at least, if he wiffs a f3 or b3 then its pretty easy to spear him for a vortex or combo, you cant get sonya with that on d4, the only option is to read it, back up and either b2 or hellfire, if she reads either then its potentially full combo. I also use d4 , possibly into leg sweep, in footsies with sonya, but you have no adv on d4 and she blocks leg sweep then its free pressure