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Samantha Jo, "They wanted to see the tournament. So I think they will be very excited with season 2"


Chode Juggler
Yo man, watch the episodes she's in, she's a fox, Mileena looks like some dirty hood rat bitch. Vietnamese prostitute or something, Kitana is a hot ass princess son.

Kitana FOR LIFE FOO!!!
Yeah I changed my mind after watching. .she's a babe


Chode Juggler
he's sitting behind that monitor judging a women thatllcould whip his ass with a hand tied behind her back.
I thought they met the standards pretty well. I wish Stryker and Cage didn't look pretty much exactly the same. Typically pretty boy movie stars are clean shaved.... and Cage never takes off his glasses!!!
And your judging me sitting behind your computer monitor. .. but yeah she probably could. .I think shed need two hands tho..didnt work out so well for cage


I thought kitana was supposed to be sexeh
That's just not a good pic of her. She looks better in the show lol

I seen all of Season Two already and it's actually pretty good. It shows a dark side of Liu Kang, pretty interesting