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Strategy Rush Down? What Do?

Hi everyone I'm new to TYM. I main catwomen but just picked up batgirl.

Anyway.... I'm having trouble with rushdown characters vs batgirl. Doomsday and Bane give me a hard time when playing her. Has anyone found any good wakeup options? 113 is a good get off me string but her limbs are so short I'm having a hard time getting combos going against the larger longer armed members of the cast.



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This is the first time I have ever heard anyone having troubles with Bane. Did you ever look over this thread? It should help with Doomsday.

I haven't got to practicing any wake-ups. I assume her db2 would help. I would suggest mastering your spacing. Her db3 1 will help you get around. dd3 if they whiff a combo. If you are having a hard time just take the match slow and play keep away with her db3. You cant fake it into her dd3 for the mb. If they start getting jumpy just use her anti air df2 or her db3 2.