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running is here and it is to equal ?


superman reset specialist
it is bad news for some of us that you see what looks to be running in the mkX trailer but while few of you guys like to run in mk it can make the game be of less skill when learned strongly. if you are to try and keep a strong rusher away from you with zoning how can this happen when they can just run in to you from far out of the screen so quickly? this could be that zoners who like to keep rushers away will not be very powered in mkX or that the game will be a lot of rushing and up close fighting which will rule the game. do you think mkX is doing a good job of putting run in mkX? for me it is a bad move as it does not balance the keep away from the rushing when you can run to get in easily. if i were to get good at mkX i would not focus on trying to tap walk left or right and dash i would just learn to master running so i can do almost as i want and get in when i want. it will be easy for many to run in and mash moves of their likes and make the game more of a mash heavy pace with quick bursts of light back and fourth.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
running in MK was always stupid, but nrs has been making good games lately so hopefully they found a way to make it work well. dont panic just yet


superman reset specialist
in watching the video you can see sub who runs up into scorpion from all the way at the other end and he cancels run with a slide which means keep away be weakened for mkX.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
Yea because its not like zoners have projectiles that could easily disrupt your run because YOURE THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
not sure if trolling. from what i saw subzero simply did his forward dash and cancelled into a slide.

EDIT: Yeah in the same continuous shot..at 1:05 subzero runs and cancels into a slide and then at 1:08 he does is forward dash which has ice underneath.
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superman reset specialist
it is no surprise the people who say keep run are ones who have poor footsies to get in and have weak patience. it is upsetting to me in that mkX may be a mash fighter up close

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
How do you know what happens to the character that's running when he gets hit?

Maybe he gets hit in face and gets knocked full screen?

Maybe he can't jump or block immediately during the run?

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
How do you know what happens to the character that's running when he gets hit?

Maybe he gets hit in face and gets knocked full screen?

Maybe he can't jump or block immediately during the run?

Or you just run into a screen full of shit and lose % after %.

Too little to judge, we need to know more properties of both run and how projectiles act in this game.
From what I could see run could be canceled into an attack, but I doubt you can cancel it into a block.

And dashing can't be canceled into a block either, so it makes sense you can't do that with a run.

But yeah, ripping on a mechanic before you know how it will fit into the game is absolutey dumb. There was nothing we saw that would suggest running will take away from zoning.


Master of Quanculations
This website lost has lost it's collective marbles. Thread after thread of people who don't even know how mechanics or physics or meter or damage work, complaining and complaining. Can't we just look at it and say "Cool, let's see where this goes and wait for it to actually be explained."

When Decapre was debuted for USF4, people didn't even know she was a charge character. We don't know how running works, if it's limited to certain amounts of stamina, if it requires meter, etc. We don't know a fucking thing. We don't know if there will be normals like D4's that are used to approach to get frame advantage. We don't know how good AA's are. We don't know how much damage combos/specials/interactables will do. We don't know about combo breaking.

All people are doing is looking at a couple of seconds of a feature and then running their mouth off.


That's about right.

Does anyone get hype over people shooting shit at each other from both sides of the screen? It's so god damn boring to watch, and tedious to play against.
That's the whole point. The average Joe gets really anxious and flustered playing against a zoning character, which means a easy victory. It isn't about the "hype" and pleasing the crowd. It's about winning and most will do that at whatever cost. I use to hate playing zoning characters, but now I can't get enough of it. I love watching scrubs struggle to get in. It's also fun when they think I won't know what to do once they do get in lol. Tiger shot all day luls.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Good zoning is hype.
Define good zoning. Commentators say, "He's laming it out" for a reason.
That's the whole point. The average Joe gets really anxious and flustered playing against a zoning character, which means a easy victory. It isn't about the "hype" and pleasing the crowd. It's about winning and most will do that at whatever cost. I use to hate playing zoning characters, but now I can't get enough of it. I love watching scrubs struggle to get in. It's also fun when they think I won't know what to do once they do get in lol. Tiger shot all day luls.
I'm no scrub and I will get in. However, I wont want to play long sets with you. It's just too exhausting. It's one sided as far as the fun goes.


That's about right.
This website lost has lost it's collective marbles. Thread after thread of people who don't even know how mechanics or physics or meter or damage work, complaining and complaining. Can't we just look at it and say "Cool, let's see where this goes and wait for it to actually be explained."

When Decapre was debuted for USF4, people didn't even know she was a charge character. We don't know how running works, if it's limited to certain amounts of stamina, if it requires meter, etc. We don't know a fucking thing. We don't know if there will be normals like D4's that are used to approach to get frame advantage. We don't know how good AA's are. We don't know how much damage combos/specials/interactables will do. We don't know about combo breaking.

All people are doing is looking at a couple of seconds of a feature and then running their mouth off.
The reason why people are blowing their loads is because we've had a run button before. Even if UMK3 is popular, it divided a lot of players. I think everyone just wanted a game all MK fans could get behind without alienating everyone. I for one do not want a run button. It is the one thing I was keeping my fingers crossed about, but if it can be interrupted with projectiles I guess I'll try it.