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RM_NoBrows's 3rd PS4 Onilne IGAU Tournament


Rebel without a scene
would love to play but im getting married on the 4th lol. dont know how the Mrs' would feel about that. But good luck to all that enter.

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
Last day to sign up guys! I'll be posting the pools tonight when I get off work so speak up if you wanna play!

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
OP updated with pools! Make sure you know what pool you're in and what time to be on around. Anyone who signed up for this and I'm not on their friends list on PSN, add me (RM_NoBrows) so I can be able to message you right away to let you know when your pool will be starting at. We start saturday at 6pm EST. Everyone in pool 1, be ready at that time!

@Adrian Galvez
@GGA Max
@Vak Phoenix
@Doctor Stabs
@Ryan Alpha