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reward for doing 300 challenges is


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
So Mileena will walk around naked??

LOL I remember the rumors when mk2 came out that she had a breast fatality........

Some things never change


thats ridiculous...I'm not wasting that many hours for that crap....Should be something better and nicer...MK,MK2 or UMK3


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol, remember nudalities and sexualities as rumors where Sonya took off her top haha.

This seems like a small reward IF it's true, I've heard other things like more fatalities, arenas, another mode as well as unlockable characters.

I don't care for MK2 and UMK3 at this point, already have them put in MK4 arcade port ONLINE! now THAT would be boss!

There's gonna be some funny videos like this in the next few days methinks. Someone needs to do a montage of ALL the BS they've been spinning about this so-called "prize", including Boon's drivel etc -- it would be a laugh riot to sit through 2~3minutes of 'oh... oh! Oh! OH! OH!!" just for it to end in what we all know by now is the fail promise of all video game fail promises...


Earthrealm's biggest STAR
That's basically naked Mileena. Can't say i don't like it, but i expected character or retro-costumes.
here is the data mined text taken form the disk that seems to confirm it
there is a whole load of infomation about what happens at endgame but i wont post it here
the relevent bit is


unless its all a plant by nrs including the bios/ending it looks to be real


Blue Blurs for Life!
Mileena's sexy and all, but her flesh pits costume = FAIL REWARD. We deserve something better for exerting HOURS of effort towards climbing the Challenge Tower!

Well...this'll still be some tasty eye candy to the sick-minded pervs out there...LOL. I'd prefer naked Sonya myself.

Okay, humor aside, the reward really could be better. C'mon, now.


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
guys, everyones assuming "flesh pit" means naked? i dont get that impression from the name at all. i say no nudity will be represented with the costume. nary a nipple. oh and that def wont be the 300 challenges reward. that will be something general for all to enjoy. what does a female player say when she works so hard to unlock the secret challenge and its some nerd perv fantasy costume?? shed flip out.
It unlocks the impale for sub zero.

Seriously, i dont think you'll be seeing mileena naked. Its just a plant. The idea is way too shallow and focuses around male gamers (or lesbians).


Although flesh pit Mileena costume sounds awesome, that is a terrible prize for everyone who doesn't use her. I think it would be better if each character got a secret alt unlocked, depending on who you would beat challenge 300 with.


Just an fyi.

There's a possibility that you can be unlocking things as you play through the challenge mode, hell even story mode. And there's also currency that can be used to unlock something from the krypt. Ppl seem to be forgetting the krypt. So technically you are getting your hours worth of work. I'm not surprised by this, but what gets me is how some ppl were expecting a character.

Just be grateful these costumes are unlockable with fake cash and whatnot instead of real cash. NRS/WB can easily go the Capcom route. Those so called "costumes" for Marvel are just a big ripoff.


I now know the first thing I'm doing when I get my hands on the game.

Somebody suggested a secret character unlock, that would be a terrible idea, it'd be so much work to have every console at a tourney to have that character.
Just be grateful these costumes are unlockable with fake cash and whatnot instead of real cash. NRS/WB can easily go the Capcom route. Those so called "costumes" for Marvel are just a big ripoff.
Errr... no.

a) I wouldn't be shelling out for no DLC clowfiits a la what ¢rap¢om fleeced it's sap fans with, and b) if NR/Waner want my sheckles then they'll need to do a 'tad' better than ass pseudo rewards like skins for characters I don't even use.

If all this facepalmery turns out to be true, I won't buy the game on principle yet find another way to play it out of spite!
If all this facepalmery turns out to be true, I won't buy the game on principle yet find another way to play it out of spite!
Cool story bro.

Honestly I doubt getting A costume for lvl 300 will happen (for a lot of the rest of the game maybe), but at the same time I can't think of anything that I would want to see and that would be plausible.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, I agree the hype the MK team is making it out to be can't be just an alternate costume...


I still think it could be somethin related to the HD arcade thing. Boon said "MK will keep you guessing...till the end."

That was said around the time it was supposed to be released


I don't think it is a costume. I'm one of those who doesn't care about what characters are wearing and alternative costumes and such. I know people get very excited about those thing, but I just don't get it.. I mean, ok a blue shirt instead of a red one.. ok great!

Ed Boon said that it would be the best reward ever in the history of unlocking things in games! Plus he said; "when you see people on the internet with that thing, you know that they are good and they earned it by completing the final challange in the tower."

So my guess is that it is a new character! Either a fun, novelty character not meant to play seriously in Tournaments and such. Just my guess!

I'm not even sure if I'm good enough to ever get the final reward... time will show!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, in that perspective costumes are overrated but I think it's a good idea just to tell the difference between two players who happen to pick the same character IMO.
well hector has confirmed that data form the disk is real

from the brazil thread hector says
All those Bios and Endings are REAL, and Hector said that "it was an act of 'bad character' from those who made these leaks".
• He confirmed Cyber Sub-Zero, and said that he will have an unique set of moves and story. He said also that the team is not certain about his inclusion in future MK games.
so if all that stuff on the disk is real looks like mileena being the prize is also


Justice 4 Firestorm
I remember it was mention that the females have their MK2 Retro costume in addition to the UMK3 ones in game. Even though I hate those looks, I prefer those to Flesh Pit Mileena.