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Revisiting "Kombat Pack Overpriced" thread at the halfway point

When Shang Tsung was released, there was a thread posted by @LarSanity regarding the Kombat Pack pricing. The thread can be found here: https://testyourmight.com/threads/kombat-pack-overpriced.70846/

The OP states:

Now that shang tsung is out I figured I would buy the kombat pack. Got some questions though.

Am I missing something if we go by frost and shao every character should be 5.99 which would equal about 36 $ yet the pack is 40$?
Usually when you buy a season pass you get a discount if thats the case are they really trying to price each character at 9-10$ each individually.
I'm all for dlc characters but this may be getting alittle rediculous, or its just me?
Now that half of the Kombat Pack has been released, I thought it would be a good time to review and discuss.

OP was right that each character (or Kharacter) has been sold individually for $5.99. Assuming this holds true for Sindel, Joker and Spawn (and I see no reason why it wouldn't) the cost of all six characters alone would be $35.94, again, "about $36," as stated by OP.

BUT, what WASN'T taken into account is the fact that, with each character, a new skin pack has also been free for Kombat Pack owners, costing an additional $5.99 each for non-Kombat Pack owners. Again, assuming this holds true for the final three characters, that's ANOTHER $35.94 that a non-Kombat Pack owner would be shelling out, for a total of $71.88, when the Kombat Pack itself cost $40 (or less, if you get it discounted).

That's not taking into account the exclusive skins and gear that aren't even available except to those with the Kombat Pack. So far, there have been 20 exclusive skins and 12 exclusive pieces of gear. Double those (in theory) and that's 40 skins and 24 pieces of gear only available to Kombat Pack owners.

Now, some may just want the characters and/or don't care about any of the skins, whether exclusive or in a separate purchasable pack. If that's the case, then yes, it's cheaper to buy characters or skin packs ala carte. But, if you want all 6 characters and even one of the skin packs (or really any seven or more items that are $5.99) then it's cheaper to buy the Kombat Pack and you also get the exclusive items that aren't even available separately.

Deleted member 35141

Feel how you want about the kombat pack, I bought it and at this point it was a waste as I dont play 1 game.
6 dollars for a pack of 3 skins and the first pack was 3 colors, bad free to play games have this model.
Look at apex legends a free game they charge you 10 $ for battle pass and if you complete it you get 9$ back with weapon and characters skins, music, banners and character lines.
Honestly don't @ me my views as a gamer and not just a MKer is that this is bullshit and is exactly why EA, Ubisoft and 2k sports wont be seen in my house anymore
Feel how you want about the kombat pack, I bought it and at this point it was a waste as I dont play 1 game.
6 dollars for a pack of 3 skins and the first pack was 3 colors, bad free to play games have this model.
Look at apex legends a free game they charge you 10 $ for battle pass and if you complete it you get 9$ back with weapon and characters skins, music, banners and character lines.
Honestly don't @ me my views as a gamer and not just a MKer is that this is bullshit and is exactly why EA, Ubisoft and 2k sports wont be seen in my house anymore
Certainly wasn't trying to "call you out" or anything and you're obviously entitled to you opinion. Sorry if you felt that way.

I just remembered the thread and figured that, since now we have more info to go on, some people still on the fence about buying the Kombat Pack can get a bit better view of whether or not it's a good buy for them. There's no right or wrong answer, as each person will see the value (or lack of value) for them in a different light.

I certainly see both sides of the whole "paid DLC" argument, as I'm old enough that my first video game system was a Coleco Telstar, lol. My intent wasn't to say "it's a good buy" or "it's a bad buy," because again, everyone will have their own opinions on that. I was more or less just showing the math and what you were getting (or at least, have gotten so far) for the money spent.

TL-DR is basically, if you want 7 or more of the offered items at $5.99, you're better off getting the Kombat Pack at $40, because you'll spend more buying things individually. If you can find the Kombat Pack for less than the $40, obviously, you'd have to want even less than 7 items.
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Deleted member 35141

Certainly wasn't trying to "call you out" or anything and you're obviously entitled to you opinion. Sorry if you felt that way.

I just remembered the thread and figured that, since now we have more info to go on, some people still on the fence about buying the Kombat Pack can get a bit better view of whether or not it's a good buy for them. There's no right or wrong answer, as each person will see the value (or lack of value) for them in a different light.

I certainly see both sides of the whole "paid DLC" argument, as I'm old enough that my first video game system was a Coleco Telstar, lol. My intent wasn't to say "it's a good buy" or "it's a bad buy," because again, everyone will have their own opinions on that. I was more or less just showing the math and what you were getting (or at least, have gotten so far) for the money spent.

TL-DR is basically, if you want 7 or more of the offered items at $5.99, you're better off getting the Kombat Pack at $40, because you'll spend more buying things individually. If you can find the Kombat Pack for less than the $40, obviously, you'd have to want even less than 7 items.
Ever write or say something and realize it came off alittle more angry then you wanted it to lol.
I'm past kombat packs and season passes and stupid me bought the pack and here I am faster than any other NRS game not wanting to play it.
I realize I contradicted myself saying EA is the worst company as far as that stuff then praise apex guess respawn has more of a hand in that.

The release schedule though that makes me more mad than anything 6 more months till spawn wtf


Miley Cyrax®
I'm generally not a fan of DLC packs in the first place. I think DLC should be bonuses. If you don't buy DLC, you should still be able to play the same core game as everyone else. It could be that I just grew up in an era where - when you bought a game - you got the whole damn game. DLC should be extras and not essential. But that's just me.


FGC Cannon Fodder
They put it half off on PC right as Shang came out, so I figured it was worth that much. I got new stuff the same time everyone else did (which is sketch). Lets me lab everyone, and grit my teeth while I play this new character I hate everything about but I know I'm going to get bodied by if I don't. Lets me be excited and hopeful over the daily Sindel reminders. I also am getting all the skin stuff, which is nice. I guess that is worth what I personally paid for it.

I don't know that I would want to have paid full price, but then I did buy two copies of this and most other fighters, as well as a bunch of SFV crap I've never used because I just don't play the game. That factored in, I probably would pay anything for anything with FG scribbled in crayon on the box.
I've been playing Netherrealm games semi-competitively since MK 9 and but this game just worn out so quickly. I don't even like the hit sounds and this game is just constant poking and I'm tired of watching the fatal blow animations. I have the ultimate edition but I guess I won't return to MK 11 no matter the DLC characters. I thought The Terminator would bring me back to MK 11 but nope, haven't even tried it and I couldn't care less about the costumes either, they are so boring. I mained Kano and Scorpion but damn, I just can't see myself playing this pokefest again.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I actually never buy NRS DLCs or KPs on realease, i usually buy them a year later after release, i did with MK9, did with MKX and will definitely do with MK11


Ermac & Smoke Main
" main game is dead cos DLCs on the way " i hate this idea, many players thinks like that. NRS's DLC announcements always Kills the hype of the main game and i think this is a mistake. Wrong marketing decision.


Everyone Has A Path
I get that season pass/collector's edition/microtransaction/DLC is the number one problem for video games but fighting games are one of the precious few times it's actually worth it to buy DLC. This isnt even close to the kind of shit Ubisoft and 2K pull. Pay money to skip the parts we purposefully made boring. Pay to boost your stats so you can beat the people who didnt pay. Literally gamble for stat packs.

At least adding new characters breathes a little life into a game. You dont even really need to buy them if you dont want to. You could just buy the ones you want and learn the matchups online


Premium Supporter
Premium Supporter
I just wonder, if they didn't charge for DLC, would they simply still include the DLC characters and just adjust the base price up from $60 (so essentially everyone "buys" the DLC) or would they just not do the extra characters, and we just end up with the base game?


They've had a day 1 paywall in their last 3 games, just to force pre-orders.

I'm not paying extra for a character removed from the base game just because.

And still they don't include them in the season pass.


Are you not entertained!?
mfw Kombat pack is on sale for 20 bucks rn. Now ask yourself. Did you really need the kombat pack on release when you could have it rn and 20 bucks on top of that

Suckers lul
Why would you buy the pack now? lol If you wanted the first 3 chars, you would've bought it then. But if you buy it now just because it's cheaper, but not for the first 3 dlc that you actually didn't want, then you're a sucker, cause it actually costs you the same. You still pay 20$ for the next 3 dlc, if you want them all that is. If you want only one, then you're an even bigger sucker, cause you can buy that one separately. And you don't get the extra skins. So sucker two times. And, for the suckers three times - wait for the komplete edition, which will contain all the content, but probably for 60$, but then you'll be about 2 years or more late to the party and all the cool kids won't aknoledge you anymore. So you're setting up yourself for suckery.
Tl;dr: if you're a chep bastrad you are the sucker. Sucker.
Tl;dr: if you're a chep bastrad you are the sucker. Sucker.
Hehe, good summary.

That's pretty much it. Like most things, if you want it early you pay for the privilege. New TV, phone, game, DLC. , whatever... it's the way it is, they know people will pay for it. Companies would make back a good portion of their investment in the early part of an items release, then the rest is just a bonus.

And that's solely due to our desire to have the latest and greatest asap. If no one was buying it then you'll see the cost drop or it be dropped altogether because it's not making them money.

So the only people that are to blame are those going out there buying them, in some cases with no idea of what to expect.

End of the day it's 100% the buyers decision on what they value more, the money, or the time spent with it. Is it worth paying more money to have it early with more time to play with it, or waiting and saving some money but not having the same amount of time as it's later in the lifecycle of the game.
It’s definitely not overpriced. Sure, it’s $36 for all characters within it, but an additional $4 for week early access to them along side bonus skin packs is an absolute steal in my eyes.


Early access is BS. I hate that companies make you buy a certain edition so that you get to play the game ''early''. It's not like they're giving you early access to a game that's not finished yet, the game is done. Soon they'll be charging us for special moves.

Deleted member 35141

If you only play MK its a steal (I guess)

But COD did this thing where you pay 30 to 60 $ extra and by the time you see all the content every body is ready for the next 1.

MK11 did this and its taking them a full year to make 6 characters and 20 skins, then its oh they work too hard and their taking time yet in 3 years they made 25 characters and the 12 other modes.

Then I read people saying its a great value cause you get skins and 1 week access.
Here's the breakdown without KP

6 characters 6 $ each is 36
6 $ per pack of skins is 36
So you save 32 $
But are each character worth 6$
Or each skin worth 2$

Here's the adjustment with the KP
4$ per character
1$ per skin
Is it worth it ?
Sure it could for some but the opposite is imagine if all the characters and skins had this price point lol talking about a 200 $ base game with this price points

Edit this isn't just a MK problem its the entire gaming industry issue