Any reviews from now is like judging a Movie by watching "The making of" in otherwise dont take solid, its not the full Movie and end Result, but at the same time its good for these guys to do this incase someone find something too Broken too fix before its too late "Cough" Cyrax "Cough"
Damn that Cyrax Bug seems to be effecting everyone, its a pity theres no remedy
But as for Flash? was thinking about maining him since everyone first saw him and thought he looked weak, now that the OP and BROKEN has being put in the mix has me turned off the Char
i don't like winning because due to the Char being broen
so they have 2 choices with Flash, either Nerf Flash,,,,, or Buff every Char before patch (if every Char is OP then no Char is OP right, right)but im sure most and hopefully all these things will be fixed in Final build|
P.S. i hope Grundy is one of those Chars you play and see at first and think is shit,,, but is really a Secret Gem really to kill, like Jax was when MK9 first came out, now he's top tier