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Retile Vs Goro


Any tips? He's pissing me off bad, i'm not very good with reptile I just want a nice spam or good technique to kill goro asap. :)


spamming special moves is not the way to win against goro.

what i usually do is i walk up to him a bit (at the start of the match). be ready to block if he does his 3 punch rush or if he does a fireball. the prev. 2 is rarely done, as he would often leave himself open enough for you to cross up and do a BnB combo of your choice. rinse and repeat (carefully).


1) don't spam specials
2) cross up!!
3) bnb combo of choice
4) watch out for his ground pound special! if he does it while you're still in the air, you're vulnerable on the way down.
5) repeat 1 - 4

Hope this helps ;)
Retic is right! Definitely Cross up with punch and follow up with rep's bnb. EX forceball for pressure because the computer is too dumb to block anyway, and then be ready for another bnb. This works even on expert
to beat goro i just uppercut him, then jump over him and uppercut and repeat with any character, always worked for me