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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Thing is, people want certain characters because they like them, simple as that, same way people don't want certain characters because they dislike them i.e. Red Hood. Also for many characters appearing in this game is a sure-fire way to bring them more attention to that character. Some people want characters soley because they bring uniqueness to the game, often time it doesn't have so much to do with a character being popular as it does with a character being unique, hence why the Red Hood fanbase, although strong, is still laughed at and looked down upon. They see us as angsty teenagers with no imagination and like some silly character who offers nothing new to the game, in a sense they are right because in the end, we want Red Hood because he is a cool character and we like him and have cool ideas. But not because he is a unique character, or compatible with some major characters like say, Black Manta, Darkseid, Atrocious, Static, ect. Hence why I don't really question people's preference for a character when I myself want Red Hood. Best we can do is show out respect for Red hood and show NRS how much we want him in a creative and positive way while respecting the views of everyone else. Who cares if people think we are jokes and insult us? We want our character in, that is the point of all this, not to convince people who already don't like him or want him in otherwise.

I think if we tweet Boon out support (Custom sigs, show him the forums, ect.) it will show him how much we want him outside of "Give us Red Hood!"

Well you do have a point I for one want Red Hood because I think he is a really awesome character and we have seen what NRS can do to characters who people thought would just be a clone. When Batgirl was coming I thought just "a batman clone" but after seeing how she plays NRS proved me wrong. Some people want a character because of their moves, and some because of the story behind the character or just both.

There are some people out there who give the Red Hood fanbase a bad name. For example the one who tweeted Ed Boon so now everyone might think all of us Red Hood fans are like that guy so I guess people might laugh at Red Hood fans for this but not all are like this.

Now I fully support any character that gets in so I'll support Swamp Thing even if im not a fan of the character to show support for the Swamp Thing supporters. For Static supporters I show my support as well but I am already a fan of that character as well. As long as I get Red Hood I will be happy. What we don't want to do is bother Ed Boon about some poll result even if it a bit biased on Ed Boon's part.

Red Hood

The real Batman!
Yeah but the thing with Red Hood is nobody denies that NRS can make the character unique via how he fights in the game, but fact is he will all in all be a character that uses guns, blades, and martial arts. Yeah it does suck, but there is already a bias for the character so something like that guy on twitter can really set people off. Hence why myself and others though calling ourselves "The Red Hood army" was a bad idea. Still I am glad that you also support other people's characters, I feel the same way.

Red Hood

The real Batman!
That's true, so I guess at this point we be good sports and hope for the best, if he isn't in then oh well. I bought this game and had a blast before any DLC was even announced, so any other DLC characters are just icing on the cake for me. We can always hope for a sequel a few short years down the road. Either way it's no sweat if Red Hood is not in this as much as I would like him to be.


Yeah but im confident he will be in so I won't say if he in but when he will be in. So my bets are on him being in.

Though I can't wait to see who the characters are. Hopefully we get some kind of clues incoming soon like within next week for the next character.


Finding a Main
IMO, Red Hood will end up coming in around late September as the final DLC, and we'll get hints as to who the next DLC character is in a couple days.


Geez the next announcement better be worth the wait.
I mean its not like we have been waiting THAT LONG, its just that we have been waiting A LONG TIME for those of us that had no interest in Zatanna and are expecting something new XD


Hopefully we get some news on the next character soon or some hints from Boon soon. Maybe this week or next week hopefully.


Hopefully we get some news on the next character soon or some hints from Boon soon. Maybe this week or next week hopefully.
the thing is that he is yet to confirm any aditional characters...i mean its kinda a giving that there will be more atleast 2 but its the maybe maybe not that is kinda killing me


the thing is that he is yet to confirm any aditional characters...i mean its kinda a giving that there will be more atleast 2 but its the maybe maybe not that is kinda killing me

I don't think he would not add additional characters. The select screen would look pretty stupid looking uneven. Plus I remember reading a tweet from Boon the time Martian Manhunter came out when someone asked will there be more characters after Martian Manhunter and his answer was yes. So we are guaranteed at least 1 more DLC characters. Lets not forget Zatanna was announced not too far after Martain Manhunter was released.


I don't think he would not add additional characters. The select screen would look pretty stupid looking uneven. Plus I remember reading a tweet from Boon the time Martian Manhunter came out when someone asked will there be more characters after Martian Manhunter and his answer was yes. So we are guaranteed at least 1 more DLC characters. Lets not forget Zatanna was announced not too far after Martain Manhunter was released.
yeah they are on a timeline here... they are pushing out dlc pretty fast consdering... but still i hate this "calm before the storm" so to say


B-List Hero
Seems like the really popular/hot topic characters at the moment are Redd Hood and Black Canary. Between just those two I'd honest rather have Hood at this point. They both fill character archetypes already present but at least Red Hood has some wiggle room to do something more unique. I like Canary more but honestly we already have a female martial artist from Birds of Prey as well as a classy lady in fishnet stockings. All Canary would bring is a sonic scream. Also, those concept designs were atrocious.

Goddamn...I'm still pissed about Batgirl. She should have been Black Canary from the get-go. I still have a few characters I'd rather see get in over Red Hood but he was more deserving of inclusion than half the DLC so far.