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Reptile - What To Expect, And How To Deal With Him


Monster Island Tournaments
No :(

With the money and gas for MLG the following day I'm going to have to be a shut in tomorrow. Also I need to stay here to let people in as they come since we're leaving out of Philly tomorrow.
Damn, well good luck at MLG man! Hopefully I'll see you soon.


missiles are coming
Damn, well good luck at MLG man! Hopefully I'll see you soon.
I'll Reptile prounce on stream if I beat any Reptile players. It appears that Art isn't playing which is great news since he's the only one to eliminate me from a major thus far (3 times).

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Next video - How to play against raiden.
I could be the one doing that actually.People get away with doing gimmicks with Raiden and it''s time to blow him up so people would stop putting him #1 in the game for having a 1f teleport.

CSZ got a 1f parry, and he's considered one of the worst? LMAO
I would slap you if I still played MK. You really shouldn't give out such information on your own character lmao. Oh well, when the next MK comes out, im on Reptile once again.