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General/Other - Reptile Reptile Mix up, Trap, strategies Thread

@Dr Jackal

Thank you very much for the video, so after playing online some, I've optimized my damage quite a bit from when an opponent jumps over a SFB. You can air to air with J1 F3~B4 and it will land them into the ball way more consistently. Previously I was just anti airing with d2 or j1 f21 grab etc. Thanks a lot.

Dr Jackal

Glad my video gave you some nice ideas ! I try it vs good opponents yesterday (I mean when the ball is behind him), and well it works a couple of time.
Let's find all together new ideas for this character.

The most important thing to improve Reptile is to share all the ideas, even if these ideas are not viable, it can give you new ideas and go deeper in your training.

If you post something here, at least go online first and try whatever "tech" you post
Haha man, smile a little bit, it's the purpose of a community to improve things together ;)
Sorry but I don't care to read topics like "Reptile is bottom 5", "Reptile is good ?", "Reptile is green ?"
I prefer to share something not viable to give ideas, it was the purpose of this topic from the beginning. And in the future when you will see a ball behind your opponent, you will think "39%".
2 days ago you didn't know.



@KdashDigital/Raiko Digital
@AK Harold That air to air post got me thinking. I figured this could be safer for matchups with people who have better normals. Even if it trades it still combos.

Ball trap anti-air #1 (simple conversion)


Ball trap anti-air #2 (Makes sure ball won't whiff)


Ball trap anti-air #3 This last setup incorporates your idea @Dr Jackal (B1 whiffs on characters who shrink hit-box on JIP such as subzero and Erron Black:()


Ball trap anti-air #4 (Meatiest)


Edit: Turns out after anti-air #2 you can sneak in a F4 1 2 after the quick roll.
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Dr Jackal

@Kidigital Hey mate, thanks for sharing.
I already did your first two ideas in my matchs.
The AA option (anti-air #3) seems to be very interesting ! The timing is tricky ? Very nice stuff. I will try it right now.

By the way I have something in the corner, I am still testing a little bit and I will share it today.


@KdashDigital/Raiko Digital
@Dr Jackal No problem and yes please share! The B1 is very easy to anti air with depending on the character. The f3 is a bit tricky at first yes but I just found something much easier and it works with no MB slow ball. DB 4 can carry you to where ever the ball is on the screen after anti-air so you don't have to worry about spacing as much. Less damage but easier and saves a bar.:D

Ball trap anti-air #5 (No MB)

Dr Jackal

@Dr Jackal No problem and yes please share! The B1 is very easy to anti air with depending on the character. The f3 is a bit tricky at first yes but I just found something much easier and it works with no MB slow ball. DB 4 can carry you to where ever the ball is on the screen after anti-air so you don't have to worry about spacing as much. Less damage but easier and saves a bar.:D
Yeah exactly, it's quite difficult to link the F3B4 after the B1, particularly if you are under pressure during a tournament ^^ I know me perfectly.
So why not use a njp to be sure to punish the jump. 36% is fine for this trad I guess. I am still searching ;)



@KdashDigital/Raiko Digital
Yeah exactly, it's quite difficult to link the F3B4 after the B1, particularly if you are under pressure during a tournament ^^ I know me perfectly.
So why not use a njp to be sure to punish the jump. 36% is fine for this trad I guess. I am still searching ;)

If a neutral jump works for you that's even better. I would make sure to test it against a well timed air to air just to make sure his range is good enough. :D