YAY! this is getting solid through out the long run!
alright, i must say in that case...cause your not the first person who said Smokes VS reptile is reptile favor. Smoke and shang, are the only two matches that i BARELY play offline....which is so sad, they are so popular chars online and yet, nobody in philly plays with them.
so for smoke, i only play online....and i really do get bodied! general smoke players are somehow easy, though their are some players that i played and they FOR SURE dominate me.
Shorry (crazy_shorry_88) : his smoke is amazing
Triumph: (Crazy_triumph_88): his smoke is also amazing
Crazy_blake_88): his smoke is also decent. i find it fair for me to fight him online compared to triumph and shorry due to WAY LESS lag (i am east coast and both shorry and triumph are west.....horrid lag!)
so if u can confirm , can u fight em (in case if u never fought good smokes, which i doubt), and tell me what you think of the match up?
for now, seriously i will take back my words and get back to fight a lot of smokes and see whats my problem...i might be doing something wrong.
beside that, if u have any tips or if we can discuss this. then that will help me a lot! lol
now the weird thing is, I see mileena is easier than smoke O_O!! .... i play all the time offline against mil players, best of them was (zeroeffect, who will attend SJ5 as well), and play a lot of them online (Pigofthehut, Zero,saibot MK)
Online, it's UN bearable at times! but offline, i feel like it can reach a good 4.5 - 5.5. ...i have control over mil match over smokes...and maybe that's my problem, i dont know
-as for shangtsung, i really said the same! all i can tell you is , PLEASE try hitting up Detroitballn313 on PSN or OFFLINE! (i think he's also on XBL?)...he's really an amazing Shangtsung. we also saw Woundcowboy, i believe that's his name? was in yesterday tournament (CCC by Farmer and silent, crazy 88 clan). Cowboy is on XBL, and he's really good! detroit went nuts when he saw his play style lol. i will get you the exact name so you can try him out if you want.
but anyways,i never had any problem with shang untill they changed my mind(good shang's). i remember i was on the trial for 88, and people said detroit plays with shang...so i was like, that's cake. Detroit responded with "lol we will see"
30 min after, i seriously saw weird stuff O_O! lol
the problem is all about his CORNER PRESSURE! not only that, his combos are atleast 35% without effort and un breakable ofcourse (can reach 50% easily)...and if it ended with Soul steal, and they KNOW how to play with rep! then your doomed! imagine reptile with double your strength for a period of a good time....really scary!
try him out! cause if you proved am wrong, then seriously, mad respects! it will completely change my play style in that case lol
-As for skarlet. a friend of mine plays with her, and he plays mostly offline (i only had like 3 settings with him tops). his skarlett is AMAZING! i will get his PSN and post it to you in here and PM. (let me call him early tomorrow and will post the name for sure)
the reason why skarlet is good is because (in my opinion)
1-AMAZING at close range and pressure. Massive mix ups and when combo links, it's all resets for more pressure and mix ups
2-Her EX dash is AMAZING!! it goes through projectile, very fast, and can reach reptile form jumping distance!! which is too much. not only that, her ex dash has an armor, so it's amazing as anti frame traps, block strings...etc. so seriously, it can be used like reptiles Elbow dash
3- Her range game is TOO MUCH! all she has to do is Spam fast knives....it's really too much for reptile to maneuver. whether reptile taking risky attempts of fire ball hit trade or elbow dash. Knives builts meter, annoys the crap out of you, and can be set for traps.
her traps of EX dash and get close for mix up, counter reptiles DASH! it counters and absorb projectils...etc
4- Her frame trap of close range IA K is too powerful! it puts her to the ground completely safe! not a fast uppercut can even counter that....
5-very decent wake up and good defense in general
6-Her footsie are REALLY strong and safe. OS f+4~ dash it VERY usefull. It's fast that shuts down Reptiles Tc's and stuff in due to the f+4,3 Retreat at the end. puttin her to safety and knocking opponent down (somehow another way of Kenshi SC...just a toned down version ofcourse). not only that, but most of her TC's Put her to safety on block (except for b+1,1)
i feel she's somehow , a different version of Mileena...though her teleport is not safe on block (unlike Mil jail regular teleport or EX teleport safety)
the only way i was able to beat steve was using Kenshi! so i can punish her turtling/ escape/zone game.
for now, i wont be biased and i would say it feels like Skarlet favor somehow. i gave it 4 -6 just for now...that doesnt mean i might be wrong ofcourse!
sadly, not a lot of people play with skarlet .... so really, if you fought good skarlet and have different opportunity man, then please share it ^_^ (i might be even playin the match wrong)
thnx for your post THTB, like always