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Reptile Frame Data


Here's what I've done so far. It's only execution frames for the time being, but once I get a friend to help I'll be able to do block/hit frames.

As always with manually done frame data, some things may be slightly off due to various issues such as human error, data capture error, etc. But I try to make this as accurate as possible.

Projectiles are based on close proximity, and execution frames may vary with character hit box size. Invisibility has no frame data for obvious reasons.

Once I have all of the frame data completed, I'll put it in an easy to read format.

Attack - Execution Frames

1 - 11
2 - 11
3 - 13
4 - 18
d+1 - 9
d+2 - 11
d+3 - 8
d+4 - 12
f+2 - 15
f+3 - 15
b+1 - 15
b+4 - 18

Throw - 10


1,2,4 - 11
1,2,2,1 - 11
1,2,b+1 - 11
2,f+3 - 11
2,3+4 - 11
2,f+3,1+2 - 11
f+2,b+1 - 15
3,2,1 - 13
3,2,b+4 - 13
f+3,1+2 - 15


b,b+1 - 29 (100 from full screen)
b,b+3 - 29 (68 from full screen)
b,f+4 - 12 (25 from max range)
d,b+2 - 27
d,u+4 - N/A
d,f+1 - 20 (42 from full screen)
b,f+2 - 6 (13 from max range)

EX Specials

b,b+1 - 18 (89 - for maximum charge, 213 - max charge from full screen, 145 - no charge from full screen)
b,b+3 - 18 (99 - for maximum charge, 128 - max charge from full screen, 52 - no charge from full screen)
b,f+4 - 12 (26 from max range)
d,b+2 - 27
d,u+4 - N/A
d,f+1 - 21 (25 from max range)
b,f+2 - 6 (11 from max range)

X-Ray - 14 (35 from full screen)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Wow. Reptile is VERY slow outside of elbow, lmao.


Wow. Reptile is VERY slow outside of elbow, lmao.
I was actually surprised at some of my findings. So much so that I double and triple checked a few of them. It seems as though Reptile players are almost forced to rely on the dash. It's tied with several other attacks as the fastest in the game, and only tied with Kung Lao's Spin as the fastest special in the game. His X-Ray is also faster than almost every other X-Ray.

What's the command for the Dash cancel? I'm going to try to see if I can figure out how early you can cancel it.


Kenshi Moderator
Ty so much for this dr dogg! very usefull!
also, yes this is reptile....every freakin kid comes crying about how OP he is, while he has a LOT and LOTS of flaws....far from being the top!
also, you dont dash cancel reptile's dash....cannot be dash canceled. so players need to perfect zone or else punished.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
What's the command for the Dash cancel? I'm going to try to see if I can figure out how early you can cancel it.
Any input will cancel the dash, so you can do whatever to figure it out.


Really, only his first 2 down pokes are slow in my opinion. Sure, his normals are not Johnny Cage fast but:
- Fast moving projectile with good recovery that you can mix with slower projectile.
- 3 at 13 frames is pretty easy to get on the screen considering the animation and that it is his best damage option, but a negative is that it can be ducked at range
- Fast low special with slide, and fast overhead with dash or acid hand. acid hand is really fast for an 11% overhead special that you can't punish on block(but it is a few negative frames)
- Xray is really fast, probably only losing to a few like Sub's and Kitana's air xray up close.

THTB, you want to sticky all of DrDogg's frame data threads? I just think he would appreciate it. :)


How's my volume?
I was actually surprised at some of my findings. So much so that I double and triple checked a few of them. It seems as though Reptile players are almost forced to rely on the dash. It's tied with several other attacks as the fastest in the game, and only tied with Kung Lao's Spin as the fastest special in the game. His X-Ray is also faster than almost every other X-Ray.

What's the command for the Dash cancel? I'm going to try to see if I can figure out how early you can cancel it.
Sorry to be a bother but can you recheck his elbow dash? 6 frames can't be right, it should be 5 frames.


Really, only his first 2 down pokes are slow in my opinion. Sure, his normals are not Johnny Cage fast but:
- Fast moving projectile with good recovery that you can mix with slower projectile.
- 3 at 13 frames is pretty easy to get on the screen considering the animation and that it is his best damage option, but a negative is that it can be ducked at range
- Fast low special with slide, and fast overhead with dash or acid hand. acid hand is really fast for an 11% overhead special that you can't punish on block(but it is a few negative frames)
- Xray is really fast, probably only losing to a few like Sub's and Kitana's air xray up close.

THTB, you want to sticky all of DrDogg's frame data threads? I just think he would appreciate it. :)
Acid spit was actually slower than I expected it to be. I was surprised at that. Stryker still has the fastest projectile thus far, but I guess that's to be expected.

I was also going to ask to get the frame data threads stickied so they don't get buried, but I figured I'd wait until they're all done.

Sorry to be a bother but can you recheck his elbow dash? 6 frames can't be right, it should be 5 frames.
Both the regular and EX are 6 frames from input to impact. I will double check when I do Scorpion and Sub-Zero today, but it's unlikely I got both of those wrong when I only have to count to 6. ;)

What makes you think it's 5 frames?


Monster Island Tournaments
Stupid question but what is the execution frame of a neutral jump punch vs a jump in punch/kick?


Stupid question but what is the execution frame of a neutral jump punch vs a jump in punch/kick?
I haven't done these because they're dependent on when you press the attack button in the air. I'm also assuming that they're universal. However, when I capture Kenshi footage today I'll test Reptile and Kenshi to see if they're the same.


How's my volume?
What makes you think it's 5 frames?
Because at least two sources state that Reptile's dash is faster than Kung Lao's spin and one of them (Paulo Garcia) stated directly that the elbow dash is 5 frames.

his dash has 36 recovery frames.
21 frames of block hit.
so 15 frame disadvantage.
Rep's dash has 5 start up frames.


Because at least two sources state that Reptile's dash is faster than Kung Lao's spin and one of them (Paulo Garcia) stated directly that the elbow dash is 5 frames.
Well, 5 start up frames could not include the first active frame. I stop counting at the first active frame because that is when the attack actually hits. You could easily say that the Elbow Dash has 5 start up frames and then XX number of active frames, meaning that the 6th frame is the first active frame.

As far as it being faster than Kung Lao's Spin, Lomyn did Kung Lao's frame data. While we both use the same method, it's possible that he was off by one frame. I'll check that tonight and get back to you.

You also have to take into consideration that my frame data may not match what NRS has number for number. My frame data is relative to how I'm calculating it. For example, Reptile's throw is listed as 10 frames and his Elbow Dash as 6 frames. NRS may have his throw listed as 9 frames and his Elbow Dash at 5 frames.

Relative to the other frame data I've done, the numbers are correct, but they're not exactly what NRS has. It doesn't matter if the Elbow Dash is 5 frames or 6 frames because if I'm off by 1 frame, as long as all of my frame data is off by 1 frame, it's accurate as far as the player base is concerned.

As I said, I'll double check Kung Lao's data and see what I get, but I'm confident in my calculations for Reptile's Elbow Dash.


Paulo also said that Kabal's f3 is 12 frames but DrDogg has it at 13. I think it is either Paulo not counting the beginning or ending frame or every frame count needs to be reduced by 1 for whatever reason.


Paulo also said that Kabal's f3 is 12 frames but DrDogg has it at 13. I think it is either Paulo not counting the beginning or ending frame or every frame count needs to be reduced by 1 for whatever reason.
I honestly think it's just semantics. My execution frames count the start up frames, plus the first active frame. I think NRS uses start up frames, active frames, recovery frames and block/hit stun frames separately. I'm just combining start up with the first active frame.


Stupid question but what is the execution frame of a neutral jump punch vs a jump in punch/kick?
- Jumping Forward/Back Punch seems to be 7 frames for execution.

- Neutral Jump Punch seems to be 9 frames for execution. This seems to be the first active frame, but I've seen it hit on the 10th frame as well. I'm assuming I either started the punch early or the opponent was somehow lower.

Both jump forward and neutral jump punch seem to be universal. I have not tested every character, but I tested several and they were all the same speed.


idk what to make of his EX slow force ball. o wait i git it acid spit, acid spit,(to get them to block) fast force ball, EX charged slow forceball, elbow dash, slide


Zoning Master
Elbow dash is 6 frames, but I don't think the ex version is. Elbow dash punishes Sektor's ex teleport punch while ex elbow dash doesn't. Surprsingly, Kung Lao can't punish the ex teleport unless Sektor is in the corner and very, very close to Kung Lao. Anyway, I think this explains why ex elbow dash gets stuffed occasionally during gameplay. It seems slightly slower than regular elbow dash.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
[MENTION=3937]XXZ[/MENTION] Hey would you be able to check the block advantage data on these things?

32 xx invisibility


1 - 0
321 - 0

32 - 0
32~invisibility - -2 I think, hard to see.
321~invisibility is -2
122~invisibility is -7
Did the above two previously.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Ah, so Tom's data on 1 is wrong. Well, good to know regardless! :)


Kenshi Moderator
Very fuckin interesting...they are zero on frame advantage on block and with invis it's -2 for 3,2 combo!
sounds very logic. 3,2 is a great option for block, though Zero? that sounds very weird....Dammit wut program your using Somberness lol?

how about if possible Somberness, for f+3,1+2? or just standing 2?

also, something people must be aware off. 3,2,1~ acid hand...acid hand is interruptible and countered by fast move and armor moves (Elbow dash, EX RK...etc)
...now my other question, can you know whats the active frames for acid hands?'

thank you for reading anyways :)