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Reptile Beginners Tutorial


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Much of this video is based on Tom Brady's guide, so much credit to him, as well as Check for discovering the 45% dash combo.



Great intro to Reptile, can't wait to try some of the things you've demonstrated here. I'd love to see some Smoke/Ermac tutorials akin to this one.


for the first bnb will it still work if you switch the speeds of the forceballs? will they have time to block a slow off the 122?
sorry if this is in the wrong part but I saw in the video you said a few times you can cancel mid move into a special? How does that work? This is literally my first fighting game and im learning the lingo and whatnot slowly lol.


Snake eyes
sorry if this is in the wrong part but I saw in the video you said a few times you can cancel mid move into a special? How does that work? This is literally my first fighting game and im learning the lingo and whatnot slowly lol.
Just start doing the motion for the special before the normal move is finished. So do like 1 (Square) 2 (Triangle) 2(Triangle) and right when the second 2(Triangle) hits, start doing the input for Force ball ( Back Back Whichever punch you want)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Biggest thing is practice until you get it down. If it's the dash combo you're having trouble with, you can hold up after the dash whiff and you should jump immediately. And pianoing both punches will help get the NJP to come out right.


not sure if this is the right area to ask this but seems as good as any..

for 1,2,2,fast ball,3,2,slow ball ... im having alot of trouble landing the slow ball.. it always ends up with me punching them over my head.. any tips on the timing for this? ive only pulled it off once and can not do it again

not sure if this is the right area to ask this but seems as good as any..

for 1,2,2,fast ball,3,2,slow ball ... im having alot of trouble landing the slow ball.. it always ends up with me punching them over my head.. any tips on the timing for this? ive only pulled it off once and can not do it again

You should be able to cancel the 3,2 straight into the slow forceball and if the 3,2 connects, the slow forceball is sure to. I've never seen this not occur.

Anyone else not really bothering with elbow dash combos anymore seeing as the damage over the BnB is negligible with the patch and there is a much larger chance of dropping mid combo?


Im having trouble getting the NJ punch after the dash. I can jump but Im having trouble timing the punch. Any tips/suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Nice vids man, I was thinking of learning Reptile but not sure yet....ironically everyone else I use is a ninja too lol


Dojo Trainee
Great tutorial. The only thing I can mention that other people have talked about is that it is better to use fast ball first in the 1,2,2 because of damage scaling. In practice, post-patch, I got 31% with the combo, as opposed to 30% with the slow ball first. A tad nitpicking, but in case it ever becomes important, there it is.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Im having trouble getting the NJ punch after the dash. I can jump but Im having trouble timing the punch. Any tips/suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
You can plink the fp/bp to have a better chance of getting it until you get the timing down. So what I did... After the elbow dash, I would hold up (That will make you jump at the first possible chance) then as soon as I see reptile leave the ground I "plinked" FP/BP. On a controller it is just sliding your thumb from the FP to BP.


You can plink the fp/bp to have a better chance of getting it until you get the timing down. So what I did... After the elbow dash, I would hold up (That will make you jump at the first possible chance) then as soon as I see reptile leave the ground I "plinked" FP/BP. On a controller it is just sliding your thumb from the FP to BP.
Thanks for the tip. Im going to give it a try in the lab.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Well, my hand hurts. I spent a good hour trying to get the 3,2,1 dash into the NJP consistently; I maybe did 30/70 there. Plinking does seem to help, but I've gotta get that down.

Even lost my rhythm into simply doing the 3,2,1 shoulder dash. My respect for Reptile players has risen dramatically; I really want to start actively picking him up and hopefully use him as my new main. So, I'm willing to devote the time into him, but ouch.


idont get it!!! i finally got those whiffed elbow combos, but the normal one with the slide at the end gives me just 37% damage and with xray instead of the slide i get 44% :hammer: am i doin something wrong here???


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
Its because of your video that i will take up Reptile as my other character
Thank you :D
The video quality may be sub-par, but that doesn't matter too much, since you told us what to do before you showed the combo and THEN did it. Thank you very much, sir. Also, you can use a slow force ball and then a fast one, if it's easier for you. It's what I do most of the time.

On a side note, what does plinking and pianoing mean?


Monster Island Tournaments
Pianoing means running your finger over 1-and-2 simultaneously. Like when a piano players goes from one side of the keys to the other side.