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Remember way back when the internet FIRST got here?


Warlock Nerd
Im talking back around the time the internet started reaching every home in America. Back when everybody was on AOL and had to listen to those weird dial tone sounds when signing on. Remember when you couldnt use the phone if you were online lol? I remember the very first website I went to was Rotten.com because it was so popular for showing 2pacs autopsy photo. anyway, the thought just popped in my head and i was just wondering what everyone elses memories are of the early days of the NET.


My family was so poor I think we were still using dial-up until 2005.............oh the horror.

Just to enter google.com took like 2 minutes.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
omg. Those AOL discs. lmao.

I remember when me and my sister got our first computer ever. What a piece of shit. Windows 3.0....


Mid Tier
Netscape Navigator,

Hell I remember it all, I was in Highschool when the internet came along,

When napster started, all that jazz,

no cell phones way to expensive, shit maybe I am a dinosaur.

My Hotmail Account is probably older then 50% of the people on this site, back in the day before Microsoft owned it.

Gettin AOL discs in the mail and not understanding why because I live in canada lol.

Good times, we live in a space age now compared to when I was growing up,

Rip Torn

1 word: Prodigy.
I had Prodigy and Compuserve. I used to log into the forums and post MK and sf2 combos. That was also how I connected to the internet and got on yahoo, which was the best directory at the time. I say directory because it was basically just a list of sites and it worked kind of like a search engine. If somebody made a post with a picture in it, you had to click the file then wait about 10 minutes for it to download. One month I racked up a $100 phone bill and a $200 Prodigy bill for being online so much ;)


Are you kidding me? I remember when we had to telnet to "sites"... they weren't even sites.


King of the Jobbers 2015
AOL discs were the best, here they used to give them away in stores and stuff, so we would always have TONS of free internet. Of course, we used my grandparent's computer with windows 98, so it took like an hour just to turn on the computer. Thankfully it had a turbo button, because it made it faster (?). Oh man what a shitty time it was lol