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Remember the REALLY broken stuff?


Zoning Master
In light of all the recent complaining about Cyrax, Kabal, and Smoke, REO and I thought we would remind the community how busted some of the characters were when the game was initially released less than a year ago. We have come up with 12 characters who have had some type of broken bull shit at some point or another. REO and I each included a brief description for the characters with whom we are most familiar.

Enjoy the read, and keep it in mind the next time you decide to whine about Kabal's iaGBs.

Cyrax - what made Cyrax overpowered was his command grab, which had a comically low 2F break window. The command grab also led to the so-called bomb trap because of its humongous advantage. That is, when Cyrax placed a mid bomb after the command grab, the bomb would be guaranteed to hit. In other words, the command grab itself led to long and damaging juggles. Net resets in conjunction with the command grab broke the character entirely. He had the ability to end juggles with the net and then set you up for the command grab after any juggle. In essence, this combination was an infinite combo because breaking the command grab was almost impossible.

Ermac - TKP had less recovery on whiff and block, which made it easier to abuse. Ermac could link enhanced force balls off of strings at the cost of no meter. Less damage scaling was involved with strings and lift, which caused most of Ermac's BNBs to be right under 50%, add in x-rays and it was over 60%. f+4 gave temendous amount of avantage on hit (+50) which gave a free fully charged b+2 for an ublockable reset. This could be repeated as much as desired in the form of f+4, b+2*~dc~repeat for an infinite.

Freddy Krueger - Freddy did 25% more damage across the board. He could perform 65% combos with the use of one bar. His zoning was extremely powerful. The glove toss did 9% of damage while spikes had less recovery frames and did not suffer from damage reduction. Trying to zone him, even if you had a substantial life lead, would result in a very quick death. Because the regular close spike was only -6 on block, Freddy had a safe 50/50 mix ups against the vast majority of characters in the game. He also had access to the projectile immunity glitch.

Kabal - f+3,2~ndc gave tremendous advantage on block for another f+3,2 follow up that could only be interrupted by an armor move or taking the second hit to escape. b+2~ndc was +20 on block, hit mid, was a block infinite, and could only be escaped by jumping out after taking the hit. Also, d+4~ndc was good pressure with old blockstun, nomad dash cancels built more meter and he had enhanced fireball glitch

Kano - Kano was at his best when knives had a very fast recovery and the up ball had a 7F start up. More importantly, the up ball was only -8 on block. The combination of these two special moves led to a traditional yet very effective zoning game. The up ball, in particular, was a god-like defensive move as jumping and pressuring Kano was very difficult. You could also use the move offensively by checking those opponents who try to jump out or interrupt your strings. Up ball acted like a safe HP Shoryuken versus many characters.

Kitana - while not as broken as the rest of the characters listed, she had limited or no damage reduction on fans and EX fans, which lead to high damaging juggles. Furthermore, fans used to do more damage, and the last hit of 1,1,2 was an overhead.

Kung Lao - Spin was incredibly hard to launch punish on block because of the block stun, pushback, and recovery it had. Low hat on block was -6 and could only be punished in a just-frame manner. Being off by just 1 in frame in trying to poke punish would usually result in being counter punished by his spin. Low hat gave +10 advantage on hit which lead to free unavoidable offense afterwards. Teleport 2 gave advantage on block for free follow-ups and pressure. Teleport 3 lead to an infinite which was 2~teleport, 3~repeat. Enhanced hat toss on grounded opponents gave a free damage reset in the form of a jump in, this could be repeated up to 2 times for 100% damaging combos. Spin and dive kicks had no damage scaling so Kung Lao's basic BNB mid screen was around 40% while his wall BNBs were in the upper 50s. Add in x-ray, hit confirms, and meter usage and Kung Lao could get right below 80% against the wall.

Quan Chi - Sky drop gave a free safe jump on hit, enhanced rune on hit gave more advantage. Quan Chi had an infinite with trance, where after it connected he could whiff a move to reset it.

Raiden - teleport had less recovery frames and b+3,1,2 and 3,3,4 were +1 on block. Superman had an 8F start up. Vicinity blast was +14 on block, so repeating 2,2~VB would result in a block infinite combo. However, EX teleport was not as good as the current version is. Nonetheless, this version of Raiden must have been one of the lamest characters in fighting game history.

Sindel - 4 has 14 frames of start up, excellent range, and hits mid. 4~levitate cancel on block (+20) OR hit (+30) was an infinite that was inescapable once it made contact. Sindel had access to 100% combos and infinite damage resets with the broken properties on yell. She could easily land and combo into yell from 4 (true links) and then do a levitate cancel to reset the yell properites. However, her 100% combos and yell resets were just icing on the cake as she just needed to touch you once with 4 to end the round.

Skarlet - Skarlet had the ability to rapidly toss daggers similarly to Sareena in Mortal Kombat Armageddon. In fact, the daggers came out so fast they would interrupt the start up animation of several projectiles and teleports. A lot of characters could not approach her. Also, a glitch also allowed her to juggle after the slide.

Sonya - Sonya was the queen of infinites as she had a ton of various hit stun and block infinites. 4~msc, instant dive kick~4~msc, repeat, could be repeated as much as desired to reach infinite amounts of damage in combos usually resutling in 100%. d+4~msc~repeat was a block infinite in the most threatening manner of footsies. 2~msc~repeat and 4~msc~repeat were unbreakbale and inescapable block and hit infinites once they got going. 1,1,2~mcs~repeat, 3,1,2~mcs~repeat, and 2,1~msc~repeat were all block infinites that jailed the opponent if they were caught in stand block.

Who was the most broken character in your opinion?


IMO Kung lao was the most broken. Best mobility, relentless pressure just one of the funnest characters i have ever used in a fighting game.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Poor Kano, his knives were never the problem. Up ball needed that adjustment though; then again NRS were the ones who felt up ball needed that faster recovery. Then they nerfed his knives too...lol


Zoning Master
Poor Kano, his knives were never the problem. Up ball needed that adjustment though; then again NRS were the ones who felt up ball needed that faster recovery. Then they nerfed his knives too...lol
True. That is what happens when you listen to the uninformed masses (i.e., online players in this case). But I do not think that Kano was ever that good to begin with aside from the version that REO and I mention above.


(S)teel (V)alley (K)ombat
In that whole list, I vote for O.Raiden And Lao as the most broken. Lao especially...dat mobility, dat damage, but worst of all...DAT HAT!
initially I think sub zero (no one has armor and he has a reset) is broken, KL, raiden, kabal with block inf, and sonya with block inf are all pretty much up there.

Freddy/skarlet were banned so it doesnt count
Kano was fine where he was


Clicked on this thread just to read the Kung Lao section.

Nostalgia brings a tear to my eye. :')

Tom Brady

you forgot sub-zeros damage WITHOUT even needing meter(close to 50% no meter) let alone his reset. then there was his ice clone BS leading to almost inescapable traps with the overall lack of armor in the game.

also forgot reptiles invisible :ex force ball bug.


Hahaha oh the rage quitting when I took vanilla Krueger for a spin online... Projectile? what projectile? and heres a 50% midscreen no meter for thinking you can throw that shit at me!

.....Vanilla Kung Lao....... Well I don't really like to talk about vanilla kung lao............except........... Fuck him...........

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
True. That is what happens when you listen to the uninformed masses (i.e., online players in this case). But I do not think that Kano was ever that good to begin with aside from the version that REO and I mention above.
Agreed, I don't think he was ever in the top 10, but that unnecessary nerf on knives certainly affected him quite badly.


This one's for you
Cyrax was by far the most broken. Infinite + barely techable command grab + untechable command grab in a net + command grab bomb trap + anti air bomb traps + net reset + b2 reset + buzzsaw reset. :D

Remember when Sub's ice clone didn't disappear even if he got hit? And when Sub could do over 60% with one bar?

How about the super easy, high damage uppercut combos in the demo. Plus Scorpion & Cage's block infinites lol. We've come a long way and the game is really solid now :)


Go to hell.
Cyrax was by far the most broken. Infinite + barely techable command grab + untechable command grab in a net + command grab bomb trap + anti air bomb traps + net reset + b2 reset + buzzsaw reset. :D

Remember when Sub's ice clone didn't disappear even if he got hit? And when Sub could do over 60% with one bar?

How about the super easy, high damage uppercut combos in the demo. Plus Scorpion & Cage's block infinites lol. We've come a long way and the game is really solid now :)
Now Sub Zero can't do 30 percent with out a JIP three quarters of the time. The buffing/nerfing was crazy for awhile, no one thought it out and over did it. And then when Smoke got a reset off of a PATCH, lol.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Baraka F4 x Chop chop inf in the corner?
Kenshi F22 B1 resets?
Smoke handcuff?
Cyrax and Lao handcuff?
Sub Zero handcuff?
Bo' Rai Cho puke?
Goro sai stab glitch?
Ice clone escapable by side-stepping?
Shujinko freeze after spear and vice-versa?
Noob Saibot inf?
Glitch jabs?
Hidden character named Reptile if you double flawlessed on The Pit?
Hidden red character called Ermac?
Unmasked Sub Zero ridiculous ice-clone combos?


I say Sonya, you could learn how to fight against pre-patch Kung Lao (albeit being super hard), but Sonya no one played her so if someone knew and used her broken stuff, you didn't know how to counter it.


I say Sonya, you could learn how to fight against pre-patch Kung Lao (albeit being super hard), but Sonya no one played her so if someone knew and used her broken stuff, you didn't know how to counter it.
Sonya had a block infinite that could chip you away with 1%'s. You take a hit and you were out, however it WAS an issue.

This thread is going to turn into a battle of unique opinions at this point.


Zoning Master
I guess I also have to add Smoke. He could juggle after an aerial throw.

But I do agree with what several other users have said. Kung Lao was originally the strongest character, and he did not even need infinite combos to own you.

Vulcan Hades

What was really funny wasn't that the characters were so broken.

It was to see all those top Kung Lao and Cyrax crybabies saying how we were wrong to complain and that the characters were perfectly fine at the time. Of course now looking back we know those guys were full of crap and didn't know what the fuck they were talking about.

Like they couldn't understand why a safe on block shoryuken that lead into 40-50% was downright broken. lmao