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Regarding Animal Man, Batwing and Swamp Thing

Which pair do you think will be in?

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Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
So I assume you're all familiar with Boon's old hint from October for Animal Man, Batwing and Swamp Thing.Now considering that he used this same way of hinting for other playable characters Aquaman, Green Arrow, Deathstroke and Nightwing long before they were revealed, so it seems likely that these three will be in as well. However, I found a theory posted on another forum yesterday which sounds extremely convincing. Here's what was posted:

Boon Hint Explained.jpg

"Notice that the Swamp Thing/Animal Man/Batwing hint was posted for Halloween. Notice that there are 3 comics. Notice that there are 2 pieces of candy.
Candy = Treats on Halloween
Fucking with people = Trick
2 treats and 1 trick

>Swamp Thing
>Animal Man

One of these things is not like the others. Probably the trick. The other 2 are treats."

So what do you guys think? It's sounds pretty damn concrete and I think it's very likely we'll see at least two of these characters playable in Injustice. My guess is that it will be Animal Man and Swamp Thing considering they fit as a pair, how bout you?


Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
lmao.. .I love your Resses Buttercup conspiracy theory :)
Well it's not my theory, but when I saw it posted I thought it was brilliant and it totally fit as something Boon would do, so I thought I should share it here.
Huh. Well, considering that I though the black & orange color scheme of the Reese's fit in with Deathstroke's colors, I thought this was over with. But. If I had to guess...I'd guess Animal Man and Swamp Thing. Yet more of the "one of these things doesn't belong here". Animal Man and Swamp Thing are both in this Rotworld series. Batwing isn't.


Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
I think its just a case of over thinking things. Yeah they're geniuses and stuff, but you could be looking a little deep into small things
Boon has had us all punching in numbers codes in to a website hoping for blurry pictures for days, and now we're doing a huge word search filled with a ridiculous amount of hints and clues for the game. Not to mention all the other previous random Twitter hints. I don't think something like this is really out of the question when you consider all the stuff he's done as hints for the game.

GGA Fill Pops

The Ultimate Bastich
I haven't read any comics with these characters but I really want to read alan moores run on swamp thing is looks good I need more money so I can pick that up. I also think he would be a cool diverse character in the game and his following has shot up in th new 52.
Boon has had us all punching in numbers codes in to a website hoping for blurry pictures for days, and now we're doing a huge word search filled with a ridiculous amount of hints and clues for the game. Not to mention all the other previous random Twitter hints. I don't think something like this is really out of the question when you consider all the stuff he's done as hints for the game.
You're still getting way too into thought about this. Solving his word search or over analyzing isn't going to magically reveal who its in the game officially or not.


Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
I haven't read any comics with these characters but I really want to read alan moores run on swamp thing is looks good I need more money so I can pick that up. I also think he would be a cool diverse character in the game and his following has shot up in th new 52.
You should read Morrison's run on Animal Man, it's fantastic.

You're still getting way too into thought about this. Solving his word search or over analyzing isn't going to magically reveal who its in the game officially or not.
It can't hurt, and it's not like he hasn't done stuff like this in the past for characters who were later announced.
I thought that besides this Halloween hint the only other comics he posted were Aquaman, Green Arrow. Nightwing and Deathstroke who are all in the game now.

Pic of awesome dudes
He's also done it with that batch of females. If he's posted a minimum of three different batches, revealed all from a single batch, then a slew of characters from the elsewheres of popular media, its safe too say they aren't going to make it if he's teased them once since Halloween


Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
He's also done it with that batch of females. If he's posted a minimum of three different batches, revealed all from a single batch, then a slew of characters from the elsewheres of popular media, its safe too say they aren't going to make it if he's teased them once since Halloween
Well I suppose that's one way to think about it however I still think that this theory is legitimate and that we will end up seeing at least two of these characters in. Besides, It took them months to reveal all the characters from that first batch, they just finished it a few days ago with Aquaman, so who's to say that now they're done with those four that they won't move on to the next set?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Couldn't care less for Batwing, but I will SERIOUSLY be playing some Animal Man and Swamp Thing if those two make it in. Seriously...go read their comics. Its shocking how good they wrote those two comics. Some of the creepiest, darkest stuff you will find outside of Mark Waid stuff. The two comics are like a surreal acid trip of horror, suspense and nightmare fuel. They ventured so far into that territory that John Constantine from Hellblazer started making appearances in their stuff.

If they show up its gonna be awesome. Plus Animal Man can shape shift to a limited degree now too and the crazy stuff Swamp Thing can do like dragging people under the earth with vines and then burying them alive is BADASS. Im thinking crazy Noob portal crap with vine traps and he can teleport through the Green so Kung Lao teleport is a go.

GOD I want those two to be real.
i thought about swamp thing's gimmick being a seed that you plant where you are, later you can use an input to teleport to the seed or make it grow hit low and get a combo

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Oh, I was in that thread.

It's a neat idea, and I'd be happy with Animal Man and Swamp Thing.


The two comics are like a surreal acid trip of horror, suspense and nightmare fuel. They ventured so far into that territory that John Constantine from Hellblazer started making appearances in their stuff.
Well, Constantine is from Swamp-Thing so it'd make sense he'd show up from time to time.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
tbh I don't think this was a hint at anything, I know batwing stands no chance at being in the game. When he tweeted the other4 he asked about who should be in Injustice, I'm thinking Animal Man Swamp Thing and Batwing were just comics he was reading.