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General/Other Red Son GL revealed

Swag. Now those are my kind of threads, you dig? Where is Mr. Mileena
I dig the boots. They show class but with a warning that he isn't afraid to cross the line.
His pants will probably show off his amazing ass which is good.

His top is pretty good too, I like it.
The glasses are tight.
The hat kinda throws me off but it makes him look like a college jock which is good too.

Fashion A-
Design A
Price B+ $349 for the boots, $769 for the pants $1349 for the jacket $249 for the glasses $106 for the hat.
Overall Grade A-

I recommend this DLC skin pack.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
How do you get the skin cause I already got the red son pack when the game came out cause of the pre-order


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
The most impressive looking skins that have been released are Red Son Hal and Red Son Slade.

They are all great honestly. Batmans skin is good with the stubble and the hat. Deathstroke with the awesome trenchcoat and mask and GL with the general badassery.


Many I guess. :p Batman and Superman are what make DC so big. It's also the reason why they are in front of the (NA and EU) box art. Come to think of it, Japan will get a different box art of this game and it'll come out in three days there. A Western (American) fighter to get promoted in Japan, that's never been done before I think.

Let's hope it will catch on there. Maybe MK will too in the future.