Determined to make a name for the mid-west
I have terrible fundamentals and I really want to be good at this game. It's like I understand fundamentals and I can use them when I'm thinking about them, but when I enter a match I go to autopilot and lose like all sense of awareness and just do what I want to do rather than focusing on the opponent and reacting accordingly. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?
You're the ones I watch the most and consider to have really solid fundamentals if not the best(IMO). Do you have any ideas on how I should be using training mode? I'm more than willing to put in the work and the hours.
You're the ones I watch the most and consider to have really solid fundamentals if not the best(IMO). Do you have any ideas on how I should be using training mode? I'm more than willing to put in the work and the hours.