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RDK Godspeed Wins EGP Vindication


The tournament was good and so on, but some of the commentary was really beyond BS.
There were some random jersk, who were insulting fellow gamers on stream during the commentary and stuff like that. Really a shame.

At one point everyone was asking Offcast to mute the commentators, because of all the shit.
Number one rule: Never insult fellow gamers behind their back and especially not, when they're on stream being watched by thousands of people.
The tournament was good and so on, but some of the commentary was really beyond BS.
There were some random jersk, who were insulting fellow gamers on stream during the commentary and stuff like that. Really a shame.

At one point everyone was asking Offcast to mute the commentators, because of all the shit.
Number one rule: Never insult fellow gamers behind their back and especially not, when they're on stream being watched by thousands of people.
If you're talking about Awesomo insulting me during my gameplay, I agree with this.

I recently watched the restream, and didn't realize how much of a two-faced douche that guy is. I wouldn't have caught this if some of my friends and brother hadn't mentioned it to me.


If you're talking about Awesomo insulting me during my gameplay, I agree with this.
I recently watched the restream, and didn't realize how much of a two-faced douche that guy is. I wouldn't have caught this if some of my friends and brother hadn't mentioned it to me.
And that was not the only case.

There were quite a few insults left and right through out the night and when even all the stream monsters start complaining about that and asking for new commentators at one point, damn ... then you know that the shit is going down.


1 2 3 drink
The tournament was good and so on, but some of the commentary was really beyond BS.
There were some random jersk, who were insulting fellow gamers on stream during the commentary and stuff like that. Really a shame.

At one point everyone was asking Offcast to mute the commentators, because of all the shit.
Number one rule: Never insult fellow gamers behind their back and especially not, when they're on stream being watched by thousands of people.
I totally agree with this. At some point i just wanted to mute the audio.
One guy named samsung with his dumb rambling and irritating voice trying to be funny when u talk like a retard. Sorry man just talk normal.
The other guy rushology or something, knew nothing about the game, says stuff like " its SSBM" who cares, but not in a joking way or my sarcasme detector is way off. Both of them were just really annoying and should never commentate again on a injustice match. Sorry but normally i dont get thrown off that fast when commentating suck but this was the worst ive witnessed since i saw my first mk9 stream back in 2011


Raiden Practitioner
Omg, who is that douche-bag commentator? He was ridiculing and mocking all of the players, not really giving any useful insights into the game like a good commentator (Ares, Tom Brady) should be doing, talking way too fast and basically telling me what I am seeing (i.e. I don't need to hear in excruciating detail which move each player is performing, I can see it with my own eyes), and just being an all around jerk.

Other than that, good matches.
I'm excited to watch this archive stream! Thanks to Full Sail for taking up all my time so I couldn't watch it live.


Victory favors the ruthless.
First off I would like to apologize to MortySeinfeld on behalf of Awesomo. I was unaware he had insulted you and am going to watch the archive to see what he said, I have nothing but respect for Morty and that shit is uncalled for especially comming from one of my players.

Second of all, unfortunately for the stream monsters, the number of good commentators dwindled very fast the later the tournament went on. Tyrant, Aris and I tried to get on the mic as much as possible for Luis but unfortunately we had to play out matches and left you guys with what you got which apparently was crap.

I just want to thank all of you for continuing to watch all the injustice streams and promise you that any further outbursts of disrespect from any of my RDK camp will be dealt with, I understand hype and some good fun trash talk from time to time but disrespecting a player behind his back, let alone on a stream match while he or she is playing is absolutely unacceptable. Morty I hope you accept my apology on behalf of Awesomo. I have alot of respect for you as a player. I will talk to him and make sure this never happens again as long as he stays on my team.


17th place for me or something, not bad for having to wait 3 hours in-between every match.. Compton is tight and mad props for even being able to salvage what turned into a 1 day major, but that tourney was out of control.

The Vegas guys were killin it, Morty gave the world the Nightwing blueprint, and Kanechump made Black Adam look broken. It was a really exhausting tournament but still hella hype. GGs to everyone I played.

I wish Lamaso could've gone out to show everyone how to play Raven correctly though, damn..

Vulcan Hades

Maaaaaaaaaannnn, this tourney was so freaking long lol. I can't believe I actually watched the whole thing on stream. 7 fucking hours. I really felt bad for everyone suffering there.

Thank god for Aris because most the other commentators were very questionable... Insulting fellow players, saying Doomsday is bottom tier, not knowing anything about wager, talking over each other, doing that ouh ouh ah shit non stop... yeah it was a bad look and kinda sad tbh.

Samsung was a total douchebag dick but I kinda liked his honesty lol. lbsh some of those early matches were really embarrassing and impossible to commentate seriously. So I still give the guy some props for trying.

Anyway, good shit Godspeed. That was a very nice Black Adam. I especially liked the way you used d2 vs Morty's Nightwing. I'm gonna have to steal that from you. :)

I don't get the love for Metropolis Rooftop so much though. Why haven't people learned how to avoid and punish those interactables yet? They were all jumping at the wrong time and I didn't see a single evade using backdash, wake up or MBDC.