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Guide Raven's wake-up invincibility/punish list


Normal Stance

Deadly Sin (super move)
  • Start-up: no invincible frames. Does have super move armour.
  • If blocked: -9, can be punished by most/all of the cast if close enough.
  • Notes: Bane's trait (level 3) and Superman's trait will knock Raven out of her super move if they hit her during its start-up.
Empty Void (projectile absorb)
  • Start-up: fully invincible.
  • If baited: full punish.
  • Notes: Empty Void does no hit/damage and just absorbs an incoming projectile. It can be MB to send an unblockable projectile back, but that requires it to have absorbed something first.
Singularity (lift)
  • Start-up: approx first 10 frames are invincible, the rest of the 16 are not invincible and she can be hit out of the move.
  • If blocked: -10, can be punished by most/all of the cast if close enough.
Shadow Raven (projectile)
  • Start-up: none of the 19 start-up frames are invincible
  • If blocked: Approx -14, can be punished by the entire cast.
  • Notes: can be ducked under for an even easier punish.
Soul Crush (squeeze)
  • Start-up: approx first 10 frames are invincible, the rest of the 13 are not invincible and she can be hit out of the move. Difficult to stuff due to the small window of non-invincibility.
  • If blocked: -20, could be punished by the moon.
  • Notes: some specials that cause the opponent to have an extremely how hit box (Harley on the ground, Flash's running man) can cause Soul Crush to miss. Unlike Singularity (normal) or Event Horizon (demon), Soul Crush's hitbox does not go all the way to the floor.
Demon Stance

Dark Transmission (teleport)
  • Start-up: all 18 frames are fully invincible.
  • If baited: Raven is vulnerable during all 19 recovery frames, i.e. from the moment she reappears.
  • Notes: not an actual attack. Does have the longest invincibility frames of all specials but puts her at great risk.
Event Horizon (grab)
  • Start-up: approx first 16 frames are invincible (seems to have the same punish window as Singularity), the rest of the 22 are not invincible and she can be hit out of the move. Needs further testing.
  • If blocked: -6, safe against pretty much everything.
Negative Mass (pillar)
  • Start-up: none of the 23 start-up frames are invincible
  • If blocked: neutral, 100% safe.
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Meow Hoes
I like this.
I think the wake up system needs to be fully exploited.
I personally think this is part of the future of how the game is played.


I like this.
I think the wake up system needs to be fully exploited.
I personally think this is part of the future of how the game is played.
After watching your Harley video it dawned on me that this thread didn't actually exist :). I think most of the Raven players knew it already (invincible Empty Void was a surprise to me though), although I've seen a few people thing Soul Crush is fully invincible when there is in fact a very small window to stuff it.

Saying that, considering how unsafe her stuff is (even if it was fully invincible) most Raven players don't wake-up unless doing Jedi reads, their opponent is jumping at an arc that doesn't cause them to land on her head or the Raven player is just going yolo :D


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Soul Crush (squeeze)
  • Start-up: approx first 10 frames are invincible, the rest of the 13 are not invincible and she can be hit out of the move. Difficult to stuff due to the small window of non-invincibility.
  • If blocked: -20, could be punished by the moon.
  • Notes: some specials that cause the opponent to have an extremely how hit box (Harley on the ground, Flash's running man) can cause Soul Crush to miss. Unlike Singularity (normal) or Event Horizon (demon), Soul Crush's hitbox does not go all the way to the floor.