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Rate The Injustice Story Mode.


3/5 but the awesome gameplay and whole bunch of shit in the game still makes me give the game in general a 9/10.

Story felt a bit rushed but it was good; my main gripes were that it was relatively short and that some characters didn't have much impact on anything.

Living Corpse

3/5 but the awesome gameplay and whole bunch of shit in the game still makes me give the game in general a 9/10.

Story felt a bit rushed but it was good; my main gripes were that it was relatively short and that some characters didn't have much impact on anything.
Killer Frost.

People say Ares didn't do much but Ares was weakened and he did what he needed to do, help the heroes by giving them info so he could stop starving and return to power. Killer Frost was just there, as was Grundy. I feel like the villains in this game are given less development then the ones in MK9.

Though I did like the development we got with good guy Lex.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
i give it a 10/10 and obviously the best story to any fighting game
my only descepencies with the story are things that are bound to happen when dealing with DC (its a Supes v Bats story where Superman saves the day and at the end everything is all good no repercussions) so im not gonna hold that against NRS. that being said it was amazing i beat it the first night in 3-4 hours but the story was great it really felt like a movie, the battle scenes at the end with amazons vs atlanteans was great the Shazam part was sad but one of the best parts and Batman telling Damian he was dead to him and Dick was his son was just great i love this game the story was almost perfect imo, i think the biggest issues people have is that the characters they wanted to see were underused but the story really only revolved around 10 or so characters with the rest filling small spots but that doesnt make the story and less great. 10/10 imo


You. Are Not. Alone.
Its funny cause all the speculation leading up to the game about how people were invincible Ares being the final boss or how people like Mr Freeze couldn't be in without Nora or KF without Firestorm of Static cause he has no villain in ect , and all but like 7 people ended up having little to no significant role in the story


cr. HP Master
I was really disappointed. The speculated story is better than the actual story. Its lazy and similar to mkvdc. 3/10.


Skarlet who ?
I kinda have mixed impressions. It had definitely awesome moments, but some parts were just ... meh. Not only storywise, but comic book standart wise. And for some reason (in my opinion) the further storymode was, the more boring it became. At the beginning it was hype, though.


Wasn't really feeling the story mode to be honest. MK9's story was a nice surprise, but Injustice's story fell short of my expectations. It was good, but I found myself wanting to get it over with and jump in to practice mode ASAP.


It was pretty average with great parts thrown in. Cyborgs hacking match, all the witty one liners and Superbro coming to save the day were all badass.


Back-dash Adam
9.5/10 from me, really solid and cool story line, i took off a little because it was a bit short, although what else do you expect in a fighting game? and i also didnt like how killer frost and aries felt kinda forced in to the story, i definently wanted to see more aries and have like a giant battle with him at the top wrecking the shit out of everything lol, really awesome though, great work with the evil superman, i guess i liked it more than others because i went in with low expectations and didnt even know what it was about until maybe a few days prior to playing, and even then i barley knew


I thought it was just ok, nothing special. MK9 had a really good story that was very well put together and showed the MK characters in an interesting way. It was great for old MK lovers and newer fans.
Injustice was all over the freakin place. They put too much into time travel, flashbacks and alternative dimensions that it gets kind of annoying honestly. I stopped caring halfway through the story because it was dull, except the gameplay was fun. To be honest, I find the STARs lab more fun and interesting than the story mode.

I felt like too many characters were just kind of stuck in there and got no use at all. I get that they didn't have time, but the story could have been a little deeper than what it was. Oh and don't get me started on the predictable ending...so stupid :(.

Overall- 5/10

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I don't know what standards I should be rating this Story Mode (by fighting game standards, it's perfect simply because it exists), so I'll just write my opinion:

I am disappointed by this game's story mode for several reasons:
1. This alternate reality bullshit was stupid. After all the pre-story comics, and the trailers indicating Regime vs. Insurgency, I expected them to go with the flow, and simply have the story take place in an original DC world where the players would choose who wins (Insurgency or Regime). But Superman was a straight up villain in this game, and they made it so we wouldn't feel remorseful in the slightest when we kicked his ass. They killed it with the time dimension stuff.

2. Just like in MK, when you beat an opponent, the subsequent cutscene shows that they have indeed been beaten. This is a gripe because, come on, Aquaman beating Shazam and the Flash? AQUAMAN??? Yeah right. And how are the originals beating their "dopplegangers" when, technically, the latter are more experienced versions of themselves. Makes no sense.

3. I felt all the villains were just thrown in there. Like, in the very first cutscene, you have the heroes fighting pretty much every villain in the game for no reason at all. How the hell did Doomsday come back, and how did they manage to beat him so easily? I expected more build up (and relevance) before they revealed a new villain in the story. Most of the villains were just tacked in fodder to beat up. lol.

But overall, the game had a story mode....period. And I'm conformed with that. By the standards of your average Justice League Animated Series episode, it was pretty good. Personally, I enjoyed the MK9 Story Mode more.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
They put too much into time travel, flashbacks and alternative dimensions that it gets kind of annoying honestly. I stopped caring halfway through the story because it was dull, except the gameplay was fun.
I felt like too many characters were just kind of stuck in there and got no use at all. I get that they didn't have time, but the story could have been a little deeper than what it was. Oh and don't get me started on the predictable ending...so stupid :(.

Overall- 5/10
In other words the story was pretty much like the comics :) JK

I enjoyed the story and have to agree it is too damn short and why is that we always have characters in the story mode that never get a chapter in it to even at least explore why they are there. In a FG every character should be important to some degree and have a dman good reason for being there.

I think I enjoyed a few of the one liners more though, my favorite was Gl v YL "Its time to kick my ass" that was just a great line.
Oh'yeah Supes saving the day, come on we all knew it was coming, if it didn't happen there would have been nerdy fanboy riot...


This one's for you
I think the alternate reality concept is way overdone. The story felt extremely short and there weren't really any huge boss fights. After I beat Superman I wasn't even sure it was over until the credits rolled in. And what happened to the whole side-story of Harley becoming a hero? Maybe it's just me, that part seemed kind of glazed over though.
But the graphics, dialogue and voice acting were all top notch. For a fighting game, I think it turned out really well.
Overall I'd give it a 7/10.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I think the alternate reality concept is way overdone. The story felt extremely short and there weren't really any huge boss fights. After I beat Superman I wasn't even sure it was over until the credits rolled in. And what happened to the whole side-story of Harley becoming a hero? Maybe it's just me, that part seemed kind of glazed over though.
But the graphics, dialogue and voice acting were all top notch. For a fighting game, I think it turned out really well.
Overall I'd give it a 7/10.
I was wondering why they didn't explore any aternate plots like Harley becoming a hero, I always fet that Harley's charcter could become something way cooler than just a filler character.
One complaint I've heard about the story is the one that NRS shot themselves in the foot by making this an Elseworld story. I disagree. I think having it be a straight up story in one world would've been worse. Where's the room for a sequel if Superman is killing people off?

I enjoyed it, but I honestly wish that there had been chapters for every character. Give them something to do.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
One complaint I've heard about the story is the one that NRS shot themselves in the foot by making this an Elseworld story. I disagree. I think having it be a straight up story in one world would've been worse. Where's the room for a sequel if Superman is killing people off?

I enjoyed it, but I honestly wish that there had been chapters for every character. Give them something to do.
I have to agree part of the reason I play the story mode is to have the chance to exlore each and every character in the game and I like it when obscure characters get more fleshged out


Likes nerds with big ...
I give it a 5/5. It's as convoluted as I expect a comic book adaptation to be and, while short, it was thankfully concise. I won't compare it to MK9's storyline because I see the two games as distinctly different series even though both were made by NRS and play out similarly.