I agree with most of this but I've heard that mk11 more balanced than mkx/mk9 statement too much. while that may be true it still doesn't hold any weight/it's not saying much. now we've got safe kinda stale mk11 instead of crazy frantic past mks. it's a good base but it still needs work
Absolutely it needs work but some would have you believe MK11 is the brokest game in all of existence.
I'm personally hoping hitboxes and hurtboxes are adjusted. QOL changes for online ranked like ability to decline WiFi and ping above 100ms. Better ways to earn specific character gear and skins. Fix bad variations and abilities. Meter regen on specific powerful specials might need slight adjustments.
Not needed but I personally feel throw KB's do way too much damage I think 20-25% is best and should be dependent on strength and damage potential of the character, for example Geras, Liu and Nightwolf have way to many strengths to have 2 KB's on both throws. Stuff like that could change so much in a good way without destroying the strong characters.
The moment we strip the strong characters of all if their tools and bring them down to Kotal/kano status every character would be bland and kill the game.
Many of the suggestions I've seen to Nerf characters on TYM alone would gut them and drop them to bottom tier.
Just from seeing what was patched on previous MK's its known big changes or multiple changes to characters is generally unhealthy for the characters, meta and game. Its much better to do what NRS is implementing now by keeping the changes minor adjustments instead of hitting them hard. Like Liu Kang's F4 going from 9f to 11f seems small but is actually impactful while still keeping the character intact. Just like Jax's Fatal Blow from Mid to High or Jacquis clinch not getting 50+ oki off knee with high damage.
They all stay intact but get slightly toned down and adds counterplay without ruining their play style.