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Guide Rain Rampaging - knowing rains best tools and general play style


Do a move and then quickly a rounhouse and hold it and then dash out of it and follow up with something else. Rinse repeat.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
K, so I keep reading RH cancel.... but how exactly do you do it?
What BookBurning said and watch this

credit goes to teef for the video


What BookBurning said and watch this

credit goes to teef for the video
That video is awesome but seriously I don't recommend using the EX RH combo trick just because the EX RH is so much more useful on its own for absorbing damage.

(Sgt Reed: He's using the EX RH to quickly cancel his normals into another 43 so they link into a true combo. Don't do that, it wastes meter and is kind of inconsistent.)

But yeah that's the jist of the RH cancel. The EX RH cancels way more quickly that a regular RH also, so just keep that in mind, but still the regular RH cancels quick enough, giving Rain excellent block strings with it.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
That video is awesome but seriously I don't recommend using the EX RH combo trick just because the EX RH is so much more useful on its own for absorbing damage.

(Sgt Reed: He's using the EX RH to quickly cancel his normals into another 34 so they link into a true combo. Don't do that, it wastes meter and is kind of inconsistent.)

But yeah that's the jist of the RH cancel. The EX RH cancels way more quickly that a regular RH also, so just keep that in mind, but still the regular RH cancels quick enough, giving Rain excellent block strings with it.
Only good use I can think of that EX RH cancel is right when I absorbed an attack then proceed with a combo right after. Something like

EX RH cancel (absorb attack) dash, 4,3 EX RH cancel,dash, 43, lightning to uppercut combo

Im not 100% sure on that combo though, the additional 4,3 at the beginning might throw off the uppercut combo execution. Looking at it again, it wastes 2 meters so NOPE. DONT LISTEN TO ME lol


Yeah I wouldn't personally put two meter bars into that but you're absolutely right on absorbing the attack while you attack. I think it'd be a better option though to just take the EX RH out and do a standard 43 Lightning into uppercut waterball reset; or if you really want that damage just do a 43 waterball, uppercut, 43 lightning RH into 4 Geyser kick; that does 46 percent without any meter anyways.

But yeah absorbing while you attack with the armored EX Dash, absolutely a great idea.

Kuai Liang

I think canceling his RH into other specials we should start doing. I think that could be really useful if you use it right . I'm working on using Rain's Ex RH to absorb attacks right now. Since I saw how CD Jr. was using it one match against Sub-Zero. He was using it to just bust through the ice clone, which was really awesome. I think we're not using Rain to his full potential yet. I'm slowing working on adding more stuff to Rain's bag and using as much of his tools as I can.


Yeah you can use it to bust through anything during its armor duration but I'd only really use it to bust through an ice clone if I was sure I'd be able to get in on them; that's just me personally (alot of Subs feel safe standing by their ice clone and attacking or shooting an iceblast which his the perfect time to do it.); also busting through ice clones when you're in the corner is great as well. Really though it's more valuable just absorbing standard strings while you attack.

Going through projectiles is also a good idea but you want to keep in mind that most of the time your opponent (If they're smart) mostly isn't going to throw a projectile at you from close enough range for you to get in and counter while they recover. (An exception being Noob Saibot at the right range and Reptile with his force balls.) The most important thing to do is just be smart about it, obviously mistakes will happen to everyone but most of the time you'll want to be absorbing attacks with it when you know you're going to be able to counter effectively, don't guess and dash with it because they'll most likely just block and you just wasted a bar of meter.


I like using EX RH armor against wake-up attacks. Granted it can be waste if they dont do a wake-up attack but it's something to keep in mind. Make the opponent second guess doing a wake-up attack when you have meter.


I like using EX RH armor against wake-up attacks. Granted it can be waste if they dont do a wake-up attack but it's something to keep in mind. Make the opponent second guess doing a wake-up attack when you have meter.
Absolutely, it's always a good idea to occasionally do that because if they wakeup, they get hit and if they don't then you're safe anyways. Sure it costs a bar of meter but the whole thing is that you just want to make them respect it. Roundhouse in general really lets you get into your opponents head and make better reads and stuffing wakeups with it is great to do on and off.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Yeah you can use it to bust through anything during its armor duration but I'd only really use it to bust through an ice clone if I was sure I'd be able to get in on them
When an Ice clone is in front of me I prefer waiting for Ice Blast then teleport behind him. This can punish him without wasting meter. Watch out for the slides to when your in mid range position with him.

The perfect time IMO to use EX RH cancels to absorb attack is against mid range specials like Sektor's flamethrower, so youll have time to get in for the damage.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
erm, sir I blew one bar of meter and Dealt like 25-30% due to a breaker, which forced himt o burn TWO bars. On top fo that, if he didnt break it, I could have taken 40% damage off the full combo, +mix up chip damge if I ended the combo in a teleport. Not to mention, after that It put me in a pretty good lead.
You actually just blew through forceball and hit him cuz he wasn't blocking lol, but whatver, you get the point lol.


You actually just blew through forceball and hit him cuz he wasn't blocking lol, but whatver, you get the point lol.
Yeah forceball recovery is pretty good.. I'll leave it at that.

Unfortunately. You could always blast through it and grab but I wouldn't personally, I don't like the meter to damage ratio, except situationally.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
oh wow... the cancel looks...

painfully hard. Idk if I'll be able to do that. :confused:
That was my reaction at first but practice/repetition makes everything second nature. :) Once you got it locked, you'll be one scary Rain.


They're not bad once you just ingrain them into your muscle memory, just keep doing them and you'll find that they come easier and easier as time goes on.
Yeah, I love fighting Book burnings rain, I'm already gettng better off of it, plus I bet your having fun with my reppy burning? And my friend who used sub like a monster? haha.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Now, I'm not very good with Rain yet... but I sort of figured out that RH kick cancel move you guys were talking about.... however, I haven't been able to do it in a game. I just either... never think to do it... or I'm too slow and get stuffed.

I had an annoying match with a Reptile player that constantly used the elbow dash today... I lost the first match, but when I got back up there I figured out that instead of trying to jump after a blocked elbow dash (he was jumping right after and hitting me almost every time or doing another elbow dash catching me on the way down) I could do a 43 waterbubble, 2, RH Kick 11 combo on him! XD I didn't lose to him after that... but that's cause he wasn't very and good and was really predictable.

I need to fight some better players with my rain (preferably not against Rain... I hate mirror matches) so that I can see exactly how bad my Rain is. haha


Don't sweat it man, Reptile actually isn't a good match for Rain, I think it's 4-6 in his favor personally.

Keep trying the RH cancel, you'll get the hang of it and you have to trust me when I say that; also when you do get the hang of it, don't use RH cancels strings 24/7 either because it is punishable and there is a window of time where they can jump out of it, and it does happen. Just keep at it man and you'll be great with Rain in no time.

If you want we can do some games and you can pick Rain, I'll chose someone else and we can see how far along you are? If you'd like add me on XBL.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Well, reptile is never a good match for me... no matter who I use. That elbow dash constantly catches me. :(

Alright... we can do that though I'll probably get my ass kicked. I believe I've played you before and you are really good. haha