To everyone here saying it is too early for buffs, look at kenshis frame data and how he is able to be punished by half the cast at full screen after a blocked telefury, and how when kenshi can only zone (I'm specifically talking balanced) and he doesn't even do that well since his frame data up close is complete ass, and how it is tough for the kenshi community to find worthwhile tech for him to over come bad match ups (which is most likely 9/10s of the cast) and completely failed. Kenshi mains know how bad he is, but people that haven't spent time with him well think he looks decent. But it is only an illusion since he is pretty much horrible in every category, rush down, normals too slow and only has overheads after 2 obvious as hell strings. Mid range, all of his moves on block are punishable as fuck by pretty much the entire cast, full screen, moves takes too much recovery that you can A. Punish is full screen if you can or B block and walk towards kenshi patiently until you get into that range that is punishable for your character (which is very very very easy because of how slow kenshis zoning is in every category) so since he completely fails in all categories and is complete trash, yeah I would say he needs a buff