You can't teleport out again since you just used teleport.
I'm an idiot and completely forget about the cooldown on teleport when I posted that.
I still think this is useful in some situations, especially if your opponent hasn't seen it before and can't figure it out quickly. I was using it in some casuals offline to some success over the weekend. On Sonya it's alright, especially if they like wake up Kartwheel. I got my friend to whiff ex-cartwheels a couple times, then was getting throws when he started blocking instead. It works fairly well against Kenshi as well. If he goes for a SC, and he probably will if it looks like you're trying to do wake up pressure, you can punish
I probably won't use it in tournament yet, but at SCR I should play a ton of different people so I'll use it a lot and try to get a feel for how well it works.