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Tech Quick j.2 to Combo


Posted this in the general thread but wanted to make it more visible

So you know how in other fighting games, instant overheads are popular for quick, extra damage? Like jump back HK in SF or whatever?

Well Shazam can do this with his j.2. And combo off of it.


Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
hmm intredasting... it's universally known that Aerial moves add a 3% more in a combo.

But it's interesting that Shazam's is fast enough to hit as he jumps let alone leave enough advantage to combo after the cross-up.


Works with Jokers J2 on standing opponent too
Yup. Joker, Harley, Bane and Nightwing.

You can also do similar stuff to this with a couple characters' j.1 or j.3 but they can't combo afterwards. Instead, they can use whatever aerial move they have to get a hit (Green Arrow is an example).