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Quick gear question


I'm sure this has probably already been answered but after a couple quick searches I couldn't seem to find the answer I was looking for. Do we know yet if it will be possible to wear the gear in the game without any of the stat/gameplay changes that come with it? I just want to be able to make strictly cosmetic alts.

YoungTeezy 305

Work Hard Play Hard
If you watch gameplay footage of the beta, you can see that at the beginning of the match you and your opponent can choose "competitive mode" which will disable gear attributes and moves while retaining the cosmetic appearance of your gear.

Azarashi Elder

A couple "quick" searches wouldn't imply that I did because I'm lazy
To be honest, I think the "Search" function is a little suspect. I haven't found a thread yet, while using that engine. In any case, in addition to the "Competitive Mode" option they told you about, you can expect a "Ranked" mode, where gear will be turned off.
I've actually been wondering the opposite of this.... i.e. will we be able to take advantage of the stats/bonuses/moves the gear offers without it APPEARING on the character? For example if I really want to add a move to my character but I can't stand the way that piece of gear looks....


I've actually been wondering the opposite of this.... i.e. will we be able to take advantage of the stats/bonuses/moves the gear offers without it APPEARING on the character? For example if I really want to add a move to my character but I can't stand the way that piece of gear looks....
As for the stats bonuses I couldn't say, but gear abilities are not linked to any actual physical costume part. You unlock and choose abilities separately like a 6th/7th slot of equipment. So yeah technically you could choose not to equip any new costume part but to equip a couple of new abilities.


Retired account
As for the stats bonuses I couldn't say, but gear abilities are not linked to any actual physical costume part. You unlock and choose abilities separately like a 6th/7th slot of equipment. So yeah technically you could choose not to equip any new costume part but to equip a couple of new abilities.
Interesting. This makes my last post useless so I gave it the swift delete, as I had no idea that is how it worked. I was under the same impression as Divided Spirit, since I mostly stop listening when gear is talked about. Figured moves were tied into certain costume features.