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Questions heading into EVO 2019



Just trying to have a little fun and stir up some positive conversations heading into EVO 2019. These are just some questions I find interesting heading into the tournament to try and spur some friendly debate. Feel free to share your thoughts or your own questions as well.

  1. It’s now been two years since Sonic Fox won EVO in an NRS title. Has the rest of the field caught up to him enough that the field should now be favored over Sonic Fox?

  2. By now we all know what most of the current top characters appear to be. In no particular order, we can probably plan on seeing a heavy dose of Cassie, Sonya, Erron Black, Geras, and Jacqui, with a sprinkling of KL, Cetrion, and a few others. But are there any characters we might see as a surprise pick, either in Top 16 or Top 8?

  3. How much international representation will we see in Top 8? 50/50 split between American players/Non American players? More/Less?

  4. What top player is most in danger of being upset and bounced early?

  5. Who are some of the dark horse candidates to surprise and go far?

  6. Will we see any surprise deep runs from any older veteran players?

  7. Who’s going to have the most damaging combo on stream?

  8. Who should be the People’s Champ?

  9. Are there any characters in the game right now that are being slept on that could make a bigger than expected impact or showing?

  10. How many Shangs Tsungs will we see?

  11. Who is going to win?


Administrator and Community Engineer
I wouldn’t favor the field over Fox, but I also wouldn’t say Fox is a lock. The absolute top players have gotten good enough that there are 3-4 people who can beat him now (although one of them in particular isn’t coming to EVO). If I was forced to take a bet, though, I’d still bet on him before anyone else.

I’d say Hayatei and Honeybee are somewhat likely to get bounced — no disrespect to either of them — because their placings tend to be pretty streaky and volatile.

Semij is a wildcard because he’s playing a new character, so no one knows what he’ll look like.

Dark horses, Deoxys, if you can still call him that. Sylverrye is not always a lock but always a threat (with his experience especially) to knock someone off and make top 8. Rewind wasn’t a dark horse in Injustice, but he’s been quiet in MK11. Maybe he pulls something off this year? Who knows.

Grr and Kevo are two players who, while you wouldn’t be surprised to see them end up in the 9-13th range, you also wouldn’t be surprised to see them upset somebody and make an EVO top 8. They’re both capable of having hot streaks and topping some of the highest ranked players on a given day.

As far as veteran runs, it’s not really a surprise at this point, but we’ve seen that you can never really count Big D out, even if you haven’t seen him for months. King is always a possibility, even though it feels weird to call him a veteran given how young he perpetually seems. Most other veterans have moved on or no longer maintain themselves at a high level.

Something we also know is that FIRST year EVOs tend to have results that are wildly inconsistent with the rest of the tournament season, and tend to be things no one would predict. From PR Rog to Zyphox, etc, there are some major surprises, and so if there’s one guarantee it’s that 1-2 people will place whom no one predicted at all. The only game that wasn’t like this was Injustice 2; but Inj2 was a legacy game, and MK11 most definitely is not.

As far as the most damaging combo, I can only guarantee for you that it WON’T be DJT ;)

Anyway, that’s my take.
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I wouldn’t favor the field over Fox, but I also wouldn’t say Fox is a lock. The absolute top players have gotten good enough that there are 3-4 people who can beat him now (although one of them in particular isn’t coming to EVO). If I was forced to take a bet, though, I’d still bet on him before anyone else.
I'd probably take the field over Fox. On an individual basis I still think he's the clear favorite, but the scene just keeps growing and I feel like there's enough other talent out there that it's way more competitive than it used to be.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I'd probably take the field over Fox. On an individual basis I still think he's the clear favorite, but the scene just keeps growing and I feel like there's enough other talent out there that it's way more competitive than it used to be.
It’s more competitive, but I guess what I’m saying is, is there another player who you’d say has a higher chance of winning than Fox does? I don’t think there is. So if I had to pick one player who I think could actually dominate the field on a good day — rather than just being as good as the guys around him — it’d be him.

If I had to put a percentage on it I’d say it’s 50/50 at worst.

He’s also most dangerous when he’s focused, and I felt like beating the gods at DBFZ was really a top priority for him last year. This year, it feels like he’s more locked into MK11 over anything. But who knows. Anything can happen at EVO, which is why it’s always so exciting to watch.
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Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I wanna see ForeverKing make top 8, I just wish he didn't play Geras cause it's boring as hell to watch. I'm looking forward to seeing Tweedy and how he places. But I'm all in on Fox since he's playing Cass.

Is Ninjakilla going to Evo?


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Sonic, Dragon, Foxy and Scar are almost 100% guaranteed to make it into Top 8 .... they are pure TNT high level players , so, would be shocking if any of them stay out this year .... Semji and Bufallo are good choices to be there too .... they are very good and pure entertainment to watch .... not forgetting about Kombat, that dude is very skilled great, and have already beat both Sonic and NinjaKilla in online matches, so, will be good MK11 this year in Evo !

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior

Just trying to have a little fun and stir up some positive conversations heading into EVO 2019. These are just some questions I find interesting heading into the tournament to try and spur some friendly debate. Feel free to share your thoughts or your own questions as well.

  1. It’s now been two years since Sonic Fox won EVO in an NRS title. Has the rest of the field caught up to him enough that the field should now be favored over Sonic Fox?

  2. By now we all know what most of the current top characters appear to be. In no particular order, we can probably plan on seeing a heavy dose of Cassie, Sonya, Erron Black, Geras, and Jacqui, with a sprinkling of KL, Cetrion, and a few others. But are there any characters we might see as a surprise pick, either in Top 16 or Top 8?

  3. How much international representation will we see in Top 8? 50/50 split between American players/Non American players? More/Less?

  4. What top player is most in danger of being upset and bounced early?

  5. Who are some of the dark horse candidates to surprise and go far?

  6. Will we see any surprise deep runs from any older veteran players?

  7. Who’s going to have the most damaging combo on stream?

  8. Who should be the People’s Champ?

  9. Are there any characters in the game right now that are being slept on that could make a bigger than expected impact or showing?

  10. How many Shangs Tsungs will we see?

  11. Who is going to win?
  1. lmfao, no. Fox should always be favored over the field.
  2. If there is a surprise in top 16 or top 8 it'll most likely be from someone like Kombat. Raiden anyone??
  3. You know there will be at least 1 UK in top 8. Not sure what other international player could make top 8? Waz? Bio?
  4. Not gonna choose honeybee here because, well, in mk11 I don't consider him a top player. I'd need to see a list. Tweedy?
  5. Curbo? Not sure who's going. And I wouldn't choose anyone who typically places well so far in the games life as a dark horse.
  6. I'm hoping DJT or Forever King
  7. Someone playing Geras or Sonya
  8. DJT, Forever King, Kombat (JC!)
  9. Hoping for more Shao Kahn and Kotal Kahn. Expecting more Lao and Kabal than we're used to tho.
  10. At least a good 10 in top 64
  11. Deoxys or Fox

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Is Baraka the most underrated character in the game right now?
Idk man you had Tweedy using him for a good while and DJT as well.

I think ppl just prefer the more... ridiculous characters instead of footsies into big damage. I don't necessarily think he's underrated. I figure he'd be used A LOT if Geras, EB, Sonya, and Cassie happened to be nerfed (and his damage wasn't).

Idk maybe that IS underrated? lmao

I'd say Noob and Skarlet are underrated.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Doesn't Evo just kind of randomly throw people into pools?

You can get a bunch of good players on one side of the bracket just destroying each other... and allowing someone new to enter the top.


Doesn't Evo just kind of randomly throw people into pools?

You can get a bunch of good players on one side of the bracket just destroying each other... and allowing someone new to enter the top.
I thought they try and do some type of seeding, in this case based on whatever point system NRS is using for their end of the year/season competition. So theoretically it should spread out the brackets a little bit, but who knows how effective it actually is.