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Question for those that didn't buy the Kombat Pack, but bought Shang Tsung and/or the Klassic Arcade Ninja Skin Pack

Since there has been some debate on whether the Kombat Pack is "worth it" or not, I'm trying to figure out for sure what is considered a "Kombat Pack Exclusive" and what isn't.

Since I have the Kombat Pack, I don't know what isn't included for those who buy the characters/skin packs separately. I THINK I have a good idea on what is currently "exclusive" or not, but I'd like confirmation, so I'm 100% sure.

Here's what I believe, so far, has been exclusive to the Kombat Pack:

Johnny Cage
Skins - Speechless, Shadow Boxer, Silent But Deadly, Clowning Around, All's Quiet, Funny Face
Shades - Quiet Cool
Hand Wraps - Stage Hands
Buckles - C-47

Shang Tsung
Skins - Spirit Stealer, Force of Darkness
Bracers - Touch of Death
Ancient Scrolls - Brownback Dragon Spells
Soul Phylactery - Soulsnake Oil

I'm also not sure if the two Noob Saibot masks included in the Klassic Skin Pack were "exclusive" to Kombat Pack owners, or if any person buying the Klassic Skin Pack gets them as well:

Noob Saibot Masks - Diao Xue Gui, Jiangshi

What I need, to be sure, is for someone who doesn't own the Kombat Pack to check and see if they have access to these items, if they're locked, or if they just don't appear at all.

If anybody not owning the Kombat Pack could check these items out for me, it would be greatly appreciated.