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Question: Clash VS Break for MK10

Which do you prefer?

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Heart of A Champion, Skill of a Noob :P
What are the benefits/cons of either system? What do you guys want/expect in MK10? Break system but with more meter options? Clash-esque system for the characters? If this question was posed before where is the thread so I can read it? I am curious to people's views on the mechanic.


What a day. What a lovely day.
I'd prefer breakers for MK, just because the Clash system was designed with the single lifebar in mind. If anything, I'd just like the breakers tweaked, because characters like Kenshi, Kabal, Sonya, etc. could completely abuse it in a way other characters couldn't.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
I'd prefer breakers for MK, just because the Clash system was designed with the single lifebar in mind. If anything, I'd just like the breakers tweaked, because characters like Kenshi, Kabal, Sonya, etc. could completely abuse it in a way other characters couldn't.
It was a matter of balance with those characters, not a problem of the mechanic itself. Reducing the speed at which they build meter would have solved THAT problem. IF anything, what I would change is the meter required to perform a breaker, but wouldn't change the mechanic itself
Imagine if Mortal Kombat had an Injustice clash system:

....and your reward for getting in on Kabal and starting a combo on him was being put full screen so he could continue gas blasting you to death....

I do want clash quotes though- like, make them start of the match or maybe the end-of-round exchanges? That would be hype as hell.


Revenant Jade
I like the idea of push block.

Offense player builds meter through chip and Defensive player got to use 1 meter to get them off in exchange. No more EX meter drain glitch.


bad at things
It was a matter of balance with those characters, not a problem of the mechanic itself. Reducing the speed at which they build meter would have solved THAT problem. IF anything, what I would change is the meter required to perform a breaker, but wouldn't change the mechanic itself
meterless breakers limited to one per game. meter should be for EX moves and supers etc


What a day. What a lovely day.
It was a matter of balance with those characters, not a problem of the mechanic itself. Reducing the speed at which they build meter would have solved THAT problem. IF anything, what I would change is the meter required to perform a breaker, but wouldn't change the mechanic itself
I'm aware it was a problem with the characters, but they excelled at it due to the mechanic. That's why I said it overall should be tweaked, obviously character balance comes into play as well.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
meterless breakers limited to one per game. meter should be for EX moves and supers etc
Yeah...no. I don't really like the idea of them being limited like that. I would make Xrays cost two bars and be a bit less porwerful and have breakers cost 3 bars. With that change you would see more xrays and less breakers. A lot of characters EN specials should have to be buffed though, or else there wouldn't be a reason to use them either.