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Match Footage - Quan Chi Quan Chi Revealed (Gameplay trailer inside!) for Mortal Kombat X @ Sony Press Conference in Moscow


Kytinn King
How can you be disappointed. I hate you all. For starters, you got that Raoh swag opener. sure, he could teleport, proably levitate, or just walk. But instead he rolls in casually to battle on a giant demon horse of his own creation. A horse he made just so he wouldn't have to muddy his boots.

I will admit the Nakoruru variation looks kind of weaksauce though, I hope Mamahaha has more than 3 moves.

Either way, this is going to be the hypest game ever to watch in tournament. Niggas getting stabbed through portals and walking face first into swords. Fuck and yes. It kills me that its going to be fucking thanksgiving before we find out anything else.
Liking this for the Nakaruru reference, but especially the Raoh reference


Searching for an alt.
Lets get this straight, homeboy has Hawkgirl air maces now? His trance seems to hit most of the screen, and he can IGNORE projectiles? This is some craziness, I love it!

Portals variation seems like his "footsies" var. since its the only one I saw him use his swords in, it looks real strong and real fun to use!

The Summoned Bat looks like so far its not Zod levels of OP since he seems to have a long taunt animation associated with it and appears to disappear after a single use.


bye felicia
Yeah, kinda like when the Dragon King took control of them. They played a part in the storyline, but were not playable. I don't know if they go this path, but it wouldn't surprise me at all.
I'm sure someone will be playable, probably not a lot of them or even more than one. But I can't imagine NRS would pass up the opportunity to use a zombie bad guy Kitana or Sub Zero as a significant plot point.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Once he has no Unblockable standing Reset i be happy, people on other forums complaining about how Summoner looks bland, little do they know how OPP it looks
If they make his teleport stomp an overhead and the fact that the bat has a full screen low looks like you get full screen earth shake.


bye felicia
November 27th till new info? OMG really?
I can't imagine they're bringing anyone or anything new to NYCC content wise. Probably just a redux of the presentation from Moscow. And its been at least a month between every nugget of information they've been kind enough to drop on us, so yes, end of November is wishful thinking.


Kuff Bano
Those portals look like Blink's from X-Men DFOP. Not that it matters. Those were awesome, these are awesome. More portals for the people.