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Strategy - Quan Chi Quan Chi…How to ZONE effectively and with more swag !!WOOLAY


A fan of fans
I have had tons of messages over the past 2 weeks or so about how to zone more effectively with Quan Chi. It seems that people find that Quan has all the tools but do not know how to zone with a strategy or effectiveness. Quan is in my opinion the best zoner in the game. He can zone with all variations very well and it helps his game plan to win. I am sorry if there is already a zoning thread but i wanted it to be a bit more organised and to have a zoning ONLY cant :D. I am also in @General M2Dave zoning academy so I'm not a noob. ENJOY

How to zone
Zoning means to keep someone at by or where you want with tools you have. This is like freddy (mk9) and zod (igau) to name a few. It is not easy but is indeed effective. Spamming and zoning are complete different things not to be confused. Zoning is really that in mix but it can be done.Zoning is a tactic in 2D fighters usually used at mid-range or far mid-range, the purpose of which is to out-prioritize your enemy's moves. The idea is to space yourself so that you are in a position to respond to or punish any entry angle or attack of your opponent's. Ideally, you can use certain pokes and attacks to beat your opponent's attacks, punish his advances or jumps, and hopefully shut down his offensive options, while landing hits. In attempting to zone, it is important to know the properties of your own attacks as well as the attacks of your opponent, in order to find the best move to use in countering your opponent's move. The ability to predict your opponent's next move, and having good reflexes to react to that move, are also important.

Summoner is my main variation. Its zoning is incredibly good because of the multiple tools Puggles gives Quan. Quans fireball (skull) is very good. It doesn't do the most damage however it is quick. These should be perhaps the highlight to the zoning. You can even instant air the skulls as well as EX them for more damage. His rune is amazingly good. It can be controlled close,middle or far in distance as well as being EX for a pop up. It always you to grant a free puggles on block and hit. Using Puggles is not too easy. For zoning he can no longer be rapid fired due to a previous patch but he is still very good. Puggles has a good projectile which links with the skull (ground or in the air) on block. Puggles can also be fired low to make your opponent be still and having to block low. This means Quan controls the movement your opponent. I love to hold on to Puggles whilst zoning with skulls and runes then as Puggles is a bout to time out fire him. This catches a lot of people out. But never have a pattern cause people will adjust. So this means on occasion fire puggles (low or his projectile) at near to random. Don't let people in. If they begin to jump fire normal puggles.

Do not underestimate this variation. It is very good. Quans fireball (skull) is very good. It doesn't do the most damage however it is quick. These should be perhaps the highlight to the zoning. You can even instant air the skulls as well as EX them for more damage. His rune is amazingly good. It can be controlled close,middle or far in distance as well as being EX for a pop up. You must learn how to get up Quans spell in the best way. His armour spell is the best for zoning so i will focus on that. Learn how to keep people out with skulls and runes first before trying tho get out spells. This will make sure that this zoning will be the best. If you see that opponent scared why not get out an armour spell ? If they get it by a rune or EX rune get out an armour spell


Quans fireball (skull) is very good. It doesn't do the most damage however it is quick. These should be perhaps the highlight to the zoning. You can even instant air the skulls as well as EX them for more damage. His rune is amazingly good. It can be controlled close,middle or far in distance as well as being EX for a pop up. The f3 and grab is not the best for zoning but it is good for anti zoning. His f3 kick can keep people in check so don't be too scared to use it whilst zoning.

Quan is insane at zoning. My tips is along with this guide is to practise practise practise. Learn to master zoning with his skulls and runes :D If there is any questions or anything to say just tell me :D

gibster13 PSN=alexgibbo1322