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Match-Up Discussion - Bo' Rai Cho Punish That! A thread of every Bo' Rai Cho move you can punish


Insipired by the Shenles videos on MK1, this thread and others i'll be making will focus on listing every move a character has that's punisheable and how to do punish it, if anyone has a pressure sequence that you'd like to know the counterplay to just ask me

  • B1: -6 On Block, punisheable only by the fastest moves in the game
  • B2: Same as B1
  • D2: -13 On Block, punisheable by fast advancing attacks due to pushback
  • B3: -10 On Block, punisheable by most pokes and fast specials
  • S4: -22 On Block, punisheable by most moves in the game
  • B4: -12 On Block, same as B3
  • F4: -7 On Block, punisheable by most jabs and the fastest specials
  • D4: -8 On Block, same as F4
  • S111: Same as B1
  • S121: Same as F4
  • S1212: -14 On Block, punisheable by most buttons
  • B123: -11 On Block, same as B3
  • B1234: -9 On Block, same as F4
  • S21: -12 On Block, same as B3
  • S24: Same as B3
  • S244: -15 On Block, same as S1212
  • B23: -11 On Block, same as B3
  • B233: -12 On Block, same as B3 but has an armour gap between hits
  • B234: -11 On Block, same as D2
  • F21: -14 On Block, same as S1212 but has an armour gap between hits
  • S34: -11 On Block, same as B3
  • S341: -12 On Block, same as B3 but has an armour gap between hits, the animation allows Bo to high profile through some attacks like Slides
  • B32: -11 On Block, same as B3
  • B322: Same as B3
  • B3~TH/F3~TH: Has an armour gap between hits and is crouchable, Still stuffs crouching buttons during their startup (this was labbed on Kung Lao for reference)
  • F34: -8 On Block, same as F4
  • S41: -15 On Block, same as S1212 but has a gap between hits
  • S413: Same as S1212
  • S413~U4: -24 On Block, punisheable by most moves in the game
  • BF4: -18 On Block, punisheable by most normals and fast specials
  • EX BF4: -15 On Block, same as BF4
  • DF2/EX DF2: -7 On Block, punisheable by most jabs and the fastest specials
  • DB3: -11 On Block, same as B3
  • EX DB3: -12 On Block, same as B3-
  • DD4/EX DD4: Unblockable but easily punisheable by jumping, also has 30f startup so its easy to stuff in neutral

  • EX DB1: -6 On Block, pushback makes it safe
  • Every other Dragon's Breath move either doesn't change the frame data or is Safe/Plus On Block

  • F3~TH: Has 2f faster startup (26f) if Bo's in or above Lvl1 Drink
  • DD1 (Quick Drink): Animation length changes depending on the attack it's cancelled into, but it usually recovers faster than their normal recovery, giving Bo more options in pressure (for example, Bo can't Meaty D4 after a normal throw but he can if he cancels it into Quick Drink, making Quick Drink recover about 6f faster than a normal throw)
  • EX DD1 (Quick Drink): Same deal as meterless Quick Drink except it recovers much faster, opening up Bo's options even more
  • DD1/EX DD1 (Normal Drink): Slower versions of Quick Drink that are easier to call out in neutral, DD1 is 54f long and EX DD1 is 46f long
  • DD3~1/4: 29f long Rolls that are invulnerable for 20f but vulnerable during the final 9f (both are estimated numbers), DD3 is available after B4 in Lvl0 Drink or on its own after Lvl1 Drink
  • DD3~2: -23 On Block, punisheable by most moves in the game but pushback kinda limits your options
  • DD3~3: -13 On Block, punisheable by most pokes and fast specials
  • EX DD3: Same as DD3 but is invulnerable for 1f
  • BF3/EX BF3: -22 On Block, punishable by most moves in the game but pushback and recovery animation kinda limit your options, only available from Lvl1 Drink and onwards
  • DB1/EX DB1: -8 On Block, pushback limits punish options greatly, only availably from Lvl1 Drink and onwards
  • DF2 (Spit Daze): -10 On Block, same as DD3~3, only available between Lvl0 and Lvl2 Drink
  • DF2 (Vomit Spray): Same as DD3~3, only available in Lvl3 Drink
  • EX DF2 (Puke Spray): -15 On Block, punisheable by most normals and fast specials, only available in Lvl3 Drink
  • DF1/EX DF1: -10 On Block, pushback limits punish options to the fastest advancing attacks
  • Vomit: When you drink a 10 second timer starts counting down, if you don't drink again before it runs out you will be put into a 3 second animation regardless of what you're doing, easily punisheable no matter situation

  • B1: -6 On Block, punisheable only by the fastest moves in the game
  • F1: -8 On Block, punisheable by most pokes and the fastest specials, can be made safe with proper spacing
  • D2: -13 On Block, massive pushback greatly limits punish options
  • D4: -9 On Block, same as F1
  • B14: -7 On Block, punisheable by most pokes and the fastest specials, can be made to whiff at B1's max range
  • F11: -18 On Block, punisheable by most normals and fast specials, might need a Run In at longer ranges to punish
  • F112: Same as F1 but has a gap between hits
  • F21: Same as F112
  • F212: -13 On Block, punisheable by most pokes, advancing normals and fast specials but has a gap between hits
  • BF4: -8 On Block, punisheable by most pokes and fastest specials
  • DB1: Same as BF4
  • EX DB1: Same as BF4 but has a gap between hits
  • DF1/EX DF1: -11 On Block, punisheable by most pokes, advancing normals and fastest specials
  • DB2/EX DB2: -14 On Block, same as DF1/EX DF1
  • DF3: Same as DB2/EX DB2

Like i said earlier i will be making more of these in alphabetical order and if you want me to add pressure sequences then just give me examples and i'll add them