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PSN + hardwired + MK9



Sorry if this has been posted before (only took a quick look) but I was hoping to get some advice on my connection.

I'm running a ps3 through wifi and it happens to be next to my router. My connection is crap. I bought an ethernet cable recently and hooked it directly into my router. I'm able to play other games online with great connectivity and when I do a speed test I pull around 4Mb/second. When I go into MK however, it just hangs at the connecting lobby loading screen and I'm stuck. I've tried other various games with my hardwireD connection and again everything is solid. Am I missing something? I'm using the easy configuration setup from ps3 menu. Also FYI, my modem has a built in router (2 in 1) so I just want to put that out there.

Thanks for any tips
That happens to me as well, sometimes. What I do is quit MK9, re-launch and try to connect again. If it persists after many attempts, I don't know what to do from there, sorry.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
Trouble-shooting. If 4MB is your Upload ONLY, then you should be fine, but if 4MB is your full speed, it is simply probable that you don't have enough bandwidth. Hardwiring is a MUST for MK9 as well. Let's begin by posting your speed and we will go from there - I have helped alot of people improve their online connection by merely process of elimination. Also make sure modem/router is hardwired to the CPU AND hardwired to the PS3 from there or you're still technically wireless. http://speedtest.net/


Thank you all for the replies, they are much appreciated <3

I'm unfortunately at work right now, so I can't test my connection. I'm hoping tomorrow I can get the speed test done as I won't be home tonight.


Also, GG Blind_Man - dat ermac :p