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PS4 reveal on February 20th 2013


yup, me too.

at this point, I got my WiiU for my Nintendo fanboyism, and now I just wait for Valve's Steam Box. I already got my blu-ray/netflix machine. im good.
I'd buy the new Wii if the first one wasn't a waste of money. I don't think I played a game worthwhile other than Brawl. I ended up just using it for GameCube games lol.

Maybe I'm just a Sony fanboy.

Tim Static

I'd buy the new Wii if the first one wasn't a waste of money. I don't think I played a game worthwhile other than Brawl. I ended up just using it for GameCube games lol.

Maybe I'm just a Sony fanboy.
The Wii had some really good stuff, allbeit nothing outside of Nintendo brand stuff. But I am a bit of a Big N fanboy myself.


if you think about it, $400 is kinda a fair price. The WiiU is like $350, and im sure the ps4 will be packing more expensive hardware. iPads range btwn $400-600 so its all relative i believe.
Reactions: RYX


The Wii had some really good stuff, allbeit nothing outside of Nintendo brand stuff. But I am a bit of a Big N fanboy myself.
I've been a looong time Nintendo fan, but they havent shown anything worth buying the WiiU yet. Mario Bros aint enough to shell out the cash
Reactions: RYX


The Wii had some really good stuff, allbeit nothing outside of Nintendo brand stuff. But I am a bit of a Big N fanboy myself.
Outside of Brawl and Mario Kart, I didn't play much Wii stuff. Paper Mario and Sunshine were beyond awesome though. Luigi's Mansion' fuhgeddaboutit.

I'm a big Sony fan, since I pretty much grew up on shit like Spyro, Crash, Ratchet, TM, all that jazz. :3

Tim Static

I've been a looong time Nintendo fan, but they havent shown anything worth buying the WiiU yet. Mario Bros aint enough to shell out the cash
Doesn't matter to me. Mario in HD was worth $350 to me :coffee:

And ZombiU is really fun, allbeit not great.
Outside of Brawl and Mario Kart, I didn't play much Wii stuff. Paper Mario and Sunshine were beyond awesome though. Luigi's Mansion' fuhgeddaboutit.

I'm a big Sony fan, since I pretty much grew up on shit like Spyro, Crash, Ratchet, TM, all that jazz. :3
I'm a HUGE Mario Kart fan and I think Mario Kart Wii was absolute shit. lol
Reactions: RYX


Hopefully their launch doesn't tank as bad as the PS3 did. I probably won't even buy it at launch, there's really nothing that appeals to me about play station anymore.


I really hope for some solid exclusives. I swear a lot of franchises ended this gen. I wonder if we'll be getting anything new.


Well if the rumors are true Sony learned to make ps4 game development more like PC game development.

That's actually why I like making my living on the Windows platform, they DO make me super productive. It'd be kinda funny if you could build ps4 games using XNA. :)
Dear God I hope so.


cr. HP Master
I just bought another PS3 so I won't be buying anything until a price drop. I'm not in a hurry. I also see the lifespan of the PS3 being like the PS2.

I use to prefer 360, but the quality of exclusives dropped imo. I prefer fighters on PS3 and The Last of Us looks godlike.