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PS4 reveal on February 20th 2013



February 20th 2013... It's coming

Sources at CVG have confirmed that Sony will indeed reveal the PS4 on Feb 20th.

Lol at Microsoft's respond

"Victory will go not to those who make the most noise, but those who make the most impact".

Get hyped!​


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
lol they aren't really going to reveal it there. I am sure they are just going to discuss something related but not give any details. I would think that anything more will have to come at E3.


All in on Johnny Football
If they do come out this year in December, I would have no problem waiting till next year to get one, when the price is lower and they release a better model. I am hype for the PS4 though, just a lot of games to keep me occupied on the PS3 for a while longer.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
i really dont want a new console till at least dec 2014.
so much for them saying they wouldnt release another PS till 10 years after ps3

also if it comes out dec 2013 injustice wont even be out a year yet, will it get a ps4 release aswell, that will make tournies annoying lol, same if this locking a disc to a profile bollox comes in also


i really dont want a new console till at least dec 2014.
so much for them saying they wouldnt release another PS till 10 years after ps3
They would have stuck to that if they hadn't rested on their laurels and taken Microsoft more seriously...


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
They would have stuck to that if they hadn't rested on their laurels and taken Microsoft more seriously...
You mean the same Microsoft that were ridiculed during the Xbox 1 era and only ever got their breakthrough because the PS3 launched at $600? lol

I remember when the 360 first came out and virtually nobody besides Xbox 1 owners gave a shit, hyping up the PS3 to be God's gift, then all of a sudden the bombshell that was the PS3's price was unveiled and somehow these same people felt the urge to convince themselves that "da pee ess fwee haz no gaems" (even though the PS2 didn't have jack shit at launch either, it was worse actually) and gee whizz, getting the console they were talking shit about for years on end magically didn't seem like a bad idea, and online gaming instantly went from being a pointless fad to the next big thing!

(to be fair, the PS1 only took off because of all the problems the Sega Saturn had, and Sega capitalizing on Nintendo's mistakes before that, and Nintendo gaining ground over Atari etc. it's how it's always been)


You mean the same Microsoft that were ridiculed during the Xbox 1 era and only ever got their breakthrough because the PS3 launched at $600? lol

I remember when the 360 first came out and virtually nobody besides Xbox 1 owners gave a shit, hyping up the PS3 to be God's gift, then all of a sudden the bombshell that was the PS3's price was unveiled and somehow these same people felt the urge to convince themselves that "da pee ess fwee haz no gaems" (even though the PS2 didn't have jack shit at launch either, it was worse actually) and gee whizz, getting the console they were talking shit about for years on end magically didn't seem like a bad idea, and online gaming instantly went from being a pointless fad to the next big thing!

(to be fair, the PS1 only took off because of all the problems the Sega Saturn had, and Sega capitalizing on Nintendo's mistakes before that, and Nintendo gaining ground over Atari etc. it's how it's always been)
And the same Microsoft that agressively went after Sony's biggest 3rd-party supporters and signed exclusivity deals? The same Microsoft that made the weaker system but made it infinitely easier to program for? The Microsoft that had better developer support lines so that developers could get their games made easier? Yeah that Microsoft.
XBL alone makes up for any shit PS gives to Microsoft, PSN just doesn't have that awesome feeling you're playing Online.

I vouche XBL will improve.
Reactions: ZAQ


XBL alone makes up for any shit PS gives to Microsoft, PSN just doesn't have that awesome feeling you're playing Online.

I vouche XBL will improve.
Ps3 exclusives>Xbox exclusives
I don't care about the consoles, but Sony owns the better studios


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
And the same Microsoft that agressively went after Sony's biggest 3rd-party supporters and signed exclusivity deals? The same Microsoft that made the weaker system but made it infinitely easier to program for? The Microsoft that had better developer support lines so that developers could get their games made easier? Yeah that Microsoft.
Uh, the PS2 was much harder to program for than any console last gen (and the PS3 for that matter) and yet developers never had a bad word to say about it so I'm not sure what your point is there. And spending $50-75 million on timed-exclusive DLC? Yeah, that reaaaaaallly sent Sony fanboys flocking to the 360 in droves. The idea that GTA was Sony's only saving grace was Microsoft's own asinine theory. (something they apparently didn't learn after taking to time to fund ports of GTA3 and Vice City and doing next to nothing to help the Xbox 1's market share.)

Believe me, I thought the Xbox 1 was much better than the PS2, but LBSH, nobody took Microsoft seriously until Sony's arrogance went overkill with the PS3's launch. It'll be interesting to see how things pan out if they're both the same price this time around.


Princess Diana
If the games I'm waiting to come out (Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy Verses XIII, MK10) are released for the PS4 then I'll consider it, til then stuff it Sony!


Uh, the PS2 was much harder to program for than any console last gen (and the PS3 for that matter) and yet developers never had a bad word to say about it so I'm not sure what your point is there. And spending $50-75 million on timed-exclusive DLC? Yeah, that reaaaaaallly sent Sony fanboys flocking to the 360 in droves. The idea that GTA was Sony's only saving grace was Microsoft's own asinine theory. (something they apparently didn't learn after taking to time to fund ports of GTA3 and Vice City and doing next to nothing to help the Xbox 1's market share.)

Believe me, I thought the Xbox 1 was much better than the PS2, but LBSH, nobody took Microsoft seriously until Sony's arrogance went overkill with the PS3's launch. It'll be interesting to see how things pan out if they're both the same price this time around.
All I know is, many smaller devs did stop producing for ps3 and the major companies like Konami, EA, THQ, etc. voiced their opinions on developing for the ps3. Loudly.

The sad reality is, ps3 is to 360 what X-Box was to ps2. Sony should have taken Microsoft more seriously from day 1 with their experience with pc gaming. They took all the credit for trouncing Microsoft in the first console war and paid for it in the second. Now they're panicing and potentially fucking up this launch.


And the same Microsoft that agressively went after Sony's biggest 3rd-party supporters and signed exclusivity deals? The same Microsoft that made the weaker system but made it infinitely easier to program for? The Microsoft that had better developer support lines so that developers could get their games made easier? Yeah that Microsoft.
Well if the rumors are true Sony learned to make ps4 game development more like PC game development.

That's actually why I like making my living on the Windows platform, they DO make me super productive. It'd be kinda funny if you could build ps4 games using XNA. :)