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PS Vita is #8 Financial Bust of 2012 - John Carter Movie is #3


Man of Tomorrow
Believe me, I understand it... I just don't like it.

That's fine, just saying you could've done that and beaten UC within the 3 months and still gotten other free titles while you still had PS+ (Ninja Gaiden for example which is still 35 bucks) without renewing when you were done. Uncharted is not gonna drop that low for months, hell Uncharted 3 is still 30 bucks new and it's a year and a half old.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
That's fine, just saying you could've done that and beaten UC within the 3 months and still gotten other free titles while you still had PS+ (Ninja Gaiden for example which is still 35 bucks) without renewing when you were done. Uncharted is not gonna drop that low for months, hell Uncharted 3 is still 30 bucks new and it's a year and a half old.
Yeah... I get what you are saying. I am the kind of gamer who buys games and keeps them after I beat them. I don't want to play it for 3 months then not have it and end up having to buy it anyways because I want to keep my games.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Imo, the problem with Sony's handheld division is that the PSP initially took off because of the novelty of it being the first handheld PS console, at first, yeah, it worked, but then there came a point where all Sony did was force games with PS3 credentials onto it just as a trojan horse to buy a PSP.. (hey guise, you wanna play the latest God of War, Resistance or Motorstorm games? Want some extra content for you favorite PS2/PS3 games? Screw DLC, you gotta buy tha PSP!)

And that mentality has in turn hurt the Vita, because the novelty has since worn off, the masses realize they're better off just sticking with home consoles for their PS fix and that Sony from a business standpoint view the Vita as just another console, not a handheld.

The sooner Sony go back to their vision of a straightforward line of media-influenced home consoles, and stop trying to expand the "Playstation" name into an all out brand (seriously, "Go", "Xperia", "Vita", how much more cliche can you get? Nobody gives a flying fuck about Vita being fancy Latin for life), the better. I'm not here to say the PSP or the Vita sucks, but their marketing ideology for them is heavily flawed and it's gradually taking away from what got them so thoroughly revered and recognized in the gaming industry to start with.


Man of Tomorrow
Yeah... I get what you are saying. I am the kind of gamer who buys games and keeps them after I beat them. I don't want to play it for 3 months then not have it and end up having to buy it anyways because I want to keep my games.

I like to do the same but at that point I'd just renew. Better than either spending 40 on UC or waiting 6+ months for a price drop while still getting a bunch of free games. I totally understand your mentality when it comes to PS+ but I think it's a really good service considering I get to play a bunch of free games I wouldn't even try before, like Closure.


Administrator and Community Engineer
STRYKIE I think that a big part of it, is the fact that handheld users like to play handheld games. This is why games like Pokemon, New Super Mario Bros. etc have done so well; kids aren't necessarily chomping at the bit to play Uncharted on their handeld. They're too busy playing Angry Birds.

One thing Nintendo seems to have right is that they make handheld games for handheld gamers..

The fact that the Vita is so big and heavy only seems to reinforce the fact that Sony isn't really interested in catering to the handheld market. But to compete with a giant like Nintendo also takes serious resources and a different breed of developer.

I think everyone else that's tried to compete with Nintendo also suffer from trying to make their device a "grownup" media all-in-one; they want it to be a camera, a phone, a video player, a web browser, and all kinds of other things. Nintendo makes toys; and there's no confusion about what a Nintendo DS is actually for.