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Pros and Cons (Project)

I'm gonna make a list with all the character's pros and cons, so the new players can make a wisely choise, based on
their style.
You can help me by writing about your main pros and cons
PS2: If you disagree with some of the infos, please enlight me and the person that wrote it, cause I'm just
things here.

+ Can cancel almost any normal into special.
+ Difficult to zone effectively if he has meter.
+ Low and Overhead combo starters.
+ Good corner game.
+ Great special attacks with large hitboxes.
+ Solid air control.
+ Solid footsies.
+ One of fastest backdash in the entire game. (maybe Kano can compete with him, only Somberness can tell us)

- Easily zoned without meter.
- Average damage output.
- Mostly slow normals.
- Very few attacks safe on block.

By: DragonPick

- Excellent mix-up game.
- Very fast movement.
- Great pressure game.
- Parry grants pressure escape.
- Solid anti-zoning tactics.
- Great corner pressure.

- Mostly average damage output.
- Weak footsies.
- Mostly slow normals.
- Poor zoning.
- Teleport is very unsafe.

By: DragonPick

+ Most damaging combos/resets in the game.
+ Long, elaborate combos which force breaker use.
+ Command throw leading to safe jump.
+ Largest capture hitbox in the entire game.
+ Unblockable bombs.
+ Meter draining special.
+ Solid footsies.
+ Great corner pressure.

- Weak against zoning.
- Weak wake-up options.
- Lacks a low hitting combo starter.
- Teleport is very unsafe.

By: DragonPick

+ Very good zoning.
+ Easy to punish specials.
+ Good meterless damage output.
+ Great set of pokes.

- Poor mixup game.
- Poor wakeup game.
- All his specials are unsafe.
By: PKM TheFury

+ One of the very best zoning strategies.
+ Strong anti-zoning tools.
+ Great escape tool via EX teleport.
+ Solid 50/50 mix ups.
+ Good footsies thanks to NMS.

- Requires very good fundamentals (unlike someone else in the game).
- Huge hitbox and lack of low pokes to lower hitbox.
- Needs meter to do big damage.

By: m2dave

+ Flash grants projectile immunity.
+ Wakeup mobility (Standard flash costs no meter and you wake up with armor and freedom to do as you will for the
+ EN Glow grants super armor to any attack while removing blockstun and knockdown.
+ Great control of spacing.
+ Many strings are safe on block.
+ Strong corner game.
+ Best set of armored specials, both of which launch for at least 20% damage.

- Steep learning curve/Technically challenging.
- Specials have a good deal of cooldown.
- Slow normals.
- Slow projectiles.
- Mediocre damage.

By: DragonPick & GLoRToR

+ Devastating corner game (Top 5 imho - By: PKM TheFury)
+ Excellent mix-up game.
+ Great enhanced specials.
+ Highest damage X-Ray in the game.
+ Builds meter quickly.
+ Fast uppercut in the game
+ Difficult to zone effectively if he has meter.
+ 6 frames d1 poke.
+ Low hitbox character.

- Easily zoned without meter
- Terrible midscreen damage output.

By: DragonPick

+ Always either neutral or positive in pressure strings
+ Builds meter from his crazy pressure game
+ f3; a normal thats a special mid and is neutral on block: links to either 1, Frame trap with ex fb, 2, an
overhead that has a lot of advantage, 3, a nut punch which f33nutpunch does %20
+ All combo enders ending with nut punch can get a free jump punch
+ Ex nut punch has invulnerability frames
+ High Damage Xray
+ High Damage Combos (bnb is just under %40 without counting chip damage)
+ Dash is fast and covers a good amount of distance
+ 7 Frame uppercut

- Forceball is garbage, Cage is pretty much useless if he is far away.
- Some normals can be done on accident, like f2 which puts Cage at a serious disadvantage.
- Ex Shadow Kick doesn't have full armor.
- Zoners will destroy you, mainly Kenshi, Kabal, and Freddy Krueger.
*If your sunglasses break during the fight, you will not get the *ding* sound when you win.

By: Mikemetroid

+ Top 5 best pressure in the game.
+ Top 5 best zoning in the game.
+ Great air-control.
+ Great mix-up game.
+ EN. Dash helps him to get out of pressure and zoning as well.
+ Very good metter building, while pressuring.

- Very high learning curve.
- People that knows how his pressure works, and use non-large hitbox characters, can easily poke him out.

By: PKM TheFury

+ High Damage combos;
+ Great footsie game (2,1, f2+1 long reaching attacks)
+ All of her shit is safe on block
+ Good Zoning (the hitbox of the fans are a bitch to deal with, especially if you do NOT have the life lead)
+ Cutter on hit grants a free jump in which deals pressure, either builds a lot of metter and chip, or continues
into a
+ Unbreakable Damage.
+ Builds Meter Fast.
+ Great Anti-Airs.
+ Has one of the deadliest Jump Kick, as she can combo into Jump Kick Fan.
+ She has 7 Special Mid normals (Standing 3, Standing 4, B2, B1, B3, F+2, F+3)
+ Forward Throw is great, can OTG with standing 2, or play dead (bait wake up attack from enemy), basically forward
throws puts the opponent in a pressured state
+ Small-Medium Hitbox.
+ 6 frames d1 poke with the best range in the game.

- No descent armor move.
- Weak Wake-up Game.
- Can be zoned out.
- Can be outfootsied if enemy understands her spacing.

By: Mr. Mileena

+ Best mobility in the game.
+ Solidly deals with other top tier characters in the game, even Kuh-Bawl.
+ Fastest and longest reaching standing poke in the game.
+ Great pressure/mix-up game.
+ One of the best corner pressure in the game.
+ Fastest wakeup in the game. (along with reptile's ED)
+ Best AA in the game.
+ Good metter build, while pressuring

- All his specials are unsafe.
- Mids/Overheads are slow.
- Can be easily zoned sometimes, by characters like Kabal and Kitana.

By: xInfra Deadx & Red Son

+ Many strings are either neutral or unpunishable on block.
+ Good mixup game.
+ Simple combos that deal acceptable damage.
+ Good projectiles, and has aerial control with iaFireballs.
+ Ability to play both zoning and rushdown.
+ Uppercut has long vertical range.
+ Has a Parry.
+ Easy to pick up.
+ If played right, Liu Kang vs Kabal can be an almost even game.

- If rendered either unable to zone or rushdown, half of Liu's game is thrown out the window.
- Wakeup game is not so good.
- His hitbox includes the headband.
- Uppercut lacks horizontal range.
- Parry has an 8-frame startup, where Liu can be attacked before it activates.
- Hard to master.

By: Alien Substance

+ Second Best anti-air in the game (next to KL's Spin).
+ Lowest hitbox in the game.
+ Good d3, d4 pokes, with good range, that also lowers her hitbox.
+ U3 is +9 on block. =D
+ Good footsies.
+ Have a good time zoning with her Iafs.
+ Most part of her normals are safe on block.

- All her specials are unsafe.
- Crap d1 poke.
- Average damage.
- Don't have to much tools to keep the pressure going.

By: Red Son

-Safe 50/50 fullscreen
-Decent mindgames with Portal
-Very potent corner game with numerous resets
-Upknee's block advantage ranges from +4 to +10, at max range you are all but guaranteed a free tackle(11 frames)
-Safe string cancels to give him a decent neutral game
-One of the best defensive/AA tools in the game
-Very easy execution-wise
-Great throw that lets him start zoning again

-50/50 is dangerously unsafe up close
-Horrible recovery time, probably his biggest setback
-Lowest damage output in the game
-Relatively slow combos outside of 12/212
-Portal mind games aren't the best of gimmicks, and Ghostball is pretty much useless
-Mediocre pokes
-Requires more thought than most, if not all of the cast, NO room for mistakes


+ Top 5 best armor in the game.
+ Good meterless damage.
+ Great footsies.
+ Good mixups.
+ Best corner reversal game.
+ RH Cancels
+ Armored dash

- Big hitbox.
- Weak antizoning tools.
- Mediocre pokes.
- Holes in his RH cancel pressure exploitable by some characters (Raiden's teleport)
- Teleport is very unsafe

By: Enenra

+ Good mobility option.
+ Can punish a number of things most characters cannot.
+ Good ground control.
+ Great wakeup pressure.
+ Good range on normals.
+ Good walkspeed.
+ Versatile meter game.

- Slow universal movement.
- Walk takes a long time to reach max speed.
- Sluggish normals.
- Bad air control.
- Otherwise mediocre offense.
- Excessively reliant on meter.
- D1 is crap.


+ A lot of anti-air options
+ Best meterless anti-air damage in the game.
+ Best air-to-air damage in the game
+ Has one of the deadliest jump kick, as he can combo into Vortex.
+ Good 50/50 setups
+ Decent armor that can parry projectiles on reaction
+ Good tools to condition and create mindgames
+ An anti-corner game
+ Community thinks online randoms using this character is sufficient matchup experience, handing you a free win.

Cons :
- Pokes do not give advantage on hit.
- Inconsistent footsies.
- Extremely risky.
- Difficult to use at his fullest potential at the highest level.
- Almost a non-existent corner game. (not that's its necessarily bad, but most of what you will end up doing also
- Unreliable mids.


+ Fastest standing normal in the game that leads to full combo.- One of the best counter zoning moves in the game
leads to 30-40%.
+ Great control of the opponent with various combo enders (continued pressure, full-screen, reset).
+ Great Footsies.
+ Good Space Control/decent zoning.
+ High damage.
+ Low hitbox character.
+ Fast and safe low starter.
+ Throw is very advantageous.

- Needs meter.
- Virtually impossible to pressure with due to normals whiffing against crouch
- Both mids are easily interrupted
- No armor specials.
- Specials are unsafe.
- His fast normals can be neutral ducked.
- Crappy wakeup game.

By: xInfra Deadx & RomeoBravoDelta

+ Top 5 best wallgame.
+ Good pressure game.
+ Good 50/50's.
+ Very good Zoning.
+ Very good pokes.
+ Almost every combo is unbreakable.

- Vulnerable when opponent is waking him up.
- Slowest uppercut in the game. (Kratos doesn't count)
- Only one descent wakeup option.
- Big hitbox.
- Very high learning curve.

By: PKM TheFury

+ Plenty of armor on enhanced specials
+ Only throw in the game that does 14%
+ Great anti-air grab
+ Minimum hits required for big damage.
+ Fireball cannot be ducked, enhanced fireball is an overhead
+ 22% damage enhanced grab and punch with armor that goes through a good deal of annoying rushdown strategies
+ Telestomp, low grab and ground stomp are unblockable
+ Unblockable X-ray that needs to be jumped
+ Some long range melee attacks. B2, F4
+ Good chip damage

- Slow normals
- Biggest hitbox in the game
- Grabs are all specialized for standing, air or low if you guess wrong you can be punished.
- All low starter moves are really slow
- Very meter dependant.

By: Lumpymoomilk & Sindelia

+ Great zoning. (which leads to constant chip and meter gaining)
+ Levitate Cancels apply pressure, and lead to guessing games. (whether or not to poke out, and if when)
+ She have the only x-ray in the game that's blocked low and aa's as well
+ Good Mixup Game.
+ Standing 4 is a great footsie tool.
+ Resets due to staggering.
+ Good Damage. (44% Midscreen meterless, 52% wall meterless)
+ The only x-ray in the game that needs to be blocked low and aa's as well

- No armor.
- Bad Pokes.
- Big Hitbox.
- Slow Normals.
- Has trouble with rushdown, as it is hard for her to poke out with her horrible pokes.
- AA's are not reliable.

By: Mr. Mileena & Sindelia

+Safe advancing special
+A variety of mixups, while on ground or air
+High Damage Output
+ Normals with a good range
+ one of the best armors in the game (Skarlet's armor last 25 frames, and can be used to create pressure)
+ One of the best footsie tools in the game (F4 puts her crouching, and avoid high attacks and high advancing
+ fast recovery air projectiles
+ Excelent mobility
+ Very strong Fundamentals
+ Best slide of the game
+ 10 Frames uppercut
+ Can Escape Frame Traps
+ Reset creates pressure

-Slow startup normals
- Almost everything she does from specials to strings always takes longer to recover
- Red dash is not cancelable
- Overhead is fuzzy guardable on reaction
- Mediocre Anti-Air options
- Up slash and down slash highly punishable on block
- Slow and punishable teleport on block
- Requires a strong execution level to make her game work
- Meter Dependant
- interruptible strings
- one of the worst 50/50 of the game
- Lacks low starter

By: Eddy Wang

+ Easy to use, at the start level. (you do not need any fundamentals)
+ Best anti-zoning special moves in the game. (smoke bomb, teleport punch, proj. parry)
+ Very good footsies and pokes. (fastest overhead in the game, d+4 spam, 2 for AA, bomb for whiff punishment, etc.)
+ Resets.
+ Lots of options to build meter quickly (smoke away, towards, sb, whiffed air throw)
+ Can charge / dash cancel his xray

- Use of strategies that many in the community deem "cowardly" and "immoral".
- Poor ground control outside of footsie range, so he gets bullied by some rush down characters.
- Reset is very difficult to do consistently.
- No armor. (thank God).

By: m2dave

+ Best D+4 in the game
+ 7 frame jab and uppercut
+ Cancel into Military stance after any string for many mix up opportunities
+ 1,1,2~Military stance is great for continued pressure after combos
+ 40%+ meterless midscreen BnBs
+ EX Kartwheel is a safe launcher with armor
+ Xray has full armor and can chip an opponent out
+ Projectile is fast with superb recovery, especially good for a rush down character
+ Dive Kick is a dangerous whiff punisher
+ Big boobs (haha)

- Tough going against zoning characters such as Kabal and Kenshi, who happen to be popular tournament characters.
- BnBs aren't the easiest in the game.
- Xray can sometimes whiff even after first hit connects.
- High learning curve.

By: RiverHB

+ By far the best wallgame.
+ Best/fastest D4 in the game at 8 frames.
+ One of the better specials in the game. (Ice Clone)
+ One of the better Xray's in the game.
+ Good Zoning / Defensive style character.
+ B121 Resets.
+ B2 and Ice puddle Shenanigans.

- Terrible anti-zoning mechanics.
- No mobility.
- No projectile that can chip damage the opponent.
- Problems with low hitbox characters.
- 212 string is interruptable.
- Standing 2 sometimes whiffs on crouch blocking opponents.
- Terrible wake-up game.
- Mediocre damage.

By: STB Sgt Reed

+ High-damage output. Capable of damage ranges from 38% to 65% midscreen.
+ 40% AA BnB.
+ Golden Fleece is a very good parry. Can parry projectiles and melee attacks, like Smoke's EX Shake.
Ranged parry launches an unblockable projectile, melee parry is dash-cancelable into any of Kratos' combos, but with damage scaling.
+ Apollo's Bow does 12% damage, same as an uppercut. Bow of Apollo is unpunishable at point-blank.
+ Head of Helios can work as a reset during a juggle combo.
+ Enhanced Hermes Dash grants Kratos a Flash Parry, similar to Kabal.
+ Zeus' Rage has a long-reaching hitbox.
+ Kratos vs Kabal match-up is 5-5.

- Very slow attacks and specials compared to most of the roster.
- Many of Kratos' attacks and specials are unsafe on block.
- Golden Fleece cannot parry pokes and most low-hitting attacks.
- Bad pokes.
- Higher learning-curve than most of the roster.
- Kenshi is Kratos' hardest match-up.
- Kratos is banned in all tournaments, due to being a PS3-exclusive fighter. This is his greatest downfall.

By Alien Substance


Dead Kings Rise
Can someone describe for me all character's pros and cons?

PS: If u dont want to spend your time on that, just write about your main pros and cons

Ex: Shang Tsung

+ Top 3 pressure in the game, only after Jhonny Cage and Kabal
+ Second Best wallgame in the game
+ Best 50/50 in the game
+ Good Wake up game
+ Good Zoning
+ Very good pokes
+ Almost every combo is unbreakerable

- Vulnerable when opponent is waking him up
- Unmorphed damage is rather average
- Very high learning curve, compared to the rest of the cast.
I'm going to have to disagree with them.
Don't just disagree, show me why...

And don't forget is just and example, I took it from the tsung's guide in his forum


Dead Kings Rise
Is just an example, don't just desagree, show me why...
Sonya, Lao, Cyrax, Sektor, Skarlet, Kitana, etc all have better pressure than Shang.
Shang only has 2 wakeups, I wouldn't call that a great wake up game.
Freddy has a way better 50/50. Will lead to 40% damage + it'll put you full screen away.
Sub Zero, Kenshi, Johnny Cage,etc all have a better wall game.


Go to hell.

+Best Armor
+Best meterless damage
+Great footsies
+Mix ups
+Best corner reversal game
+RH Cancels
+Armored dash

-Big hitbox
-Weak antizoning tools
-mediocre pokes
-Holes in his RH cancel pressure exploitable by some characters (Raiden's teleport)


Zoning Master

+ easy to use (i.e., you do not need any fundamentals)
+ best anti-zoning special moves in the game (i.e., scrub bomb, scrub port, scrub punch)
+ very good footsies and pokes (i.e., fastest overhead in the game, d+4 spam, 2 for AA, scrub bomb for whiff punishment, etc.)
+ reset (i.e., EX scrub bomb, which needs to be banned in tournaments)

- use of strategies that many in the community deem "cowardly" and "immoral"
- poor ground control outside of footsie range, so he gets bullied by some rush down characters (Smoke fools, how you like Cage's f+3?)
- no armor (thank God)


Administrator and Community Engineer

+Best Armor
I'm going to have to stop you there and say that Skarlet has by far the best armor in the game. She has advancing armor that snuffs out 90% of other armor, selects out into dozens of options and allows her crazy sonya-esque pressure.


Go to hell.
I'm going to have to stop you there and say that Skarlet has by far the best armor in the game. She has advancing armor that snuffs out 90% of other armor, selects out into dozens of options and allows her crazy sonya-esque pressure.
I can dash through her en slide laughing and hit her with a 50% combo. Skarlet doesn't scare me.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele

Fastest standing normal in the game that leads to full combo
One of the best counter zoning moves in the game that leads to 30-40%
Strong Oki Pressure
Great Footsies
Good Space Control/decent zoning
High damage

Needs meter
Specials are unsafe.
His fast normals can be neutral ducked
Crappy wakeup game

Mr. Mileena


-High Damage
-Great footsie game (2,1, f2+1 long reaching attacks)
-All of her shit is safe on block
-Good Zoning (the hitbox of the fans are a bitch to deal with, especially if you do NOT have the life lead)
-Cutter on hit grants a free jump in which deals pressure, either builds a lot of metter and chip, or continues into a combo/throw
- Unbreakable Damage
- Builds Meter Fast
- Great Anti Airs
- Has the deadliest Jump Kick, as she can combo into Jump Kick Fan
- She has 7 Special Mid normals (Standing 3, Standing 4, B2, B1, B3, F+2, F+3)
-Forward Throw is great, can otg with standing 2, or play dead (bait wake up attack from enemy), basically forward throws puts the opponent in a pressured state
-Small-Medium Hitbox

-No Armor
-Weak Wake-up Game
-Can be zoned out
-Can be outfootsied if enemy understands her spacing

Kitana overall deserves to be in the top 10, she has strong points, none which are OP, but sadly, suffers in ways that she can work around her weaknesses.


-Great zoning (which leads to constant chip and meter gaining)
-Levitate Cancels apply pressure, and lead to guessing games (whether or not to poke out, and if when)
-Good Mixup Game
- Standing 4 is a great footsie tool
- Resets due to staggering
- Good Damage (44% Midscreen meterless, 52% wall meterless)

-No armor
-Bad Pokes
-Big Hitbox
-Slow Normals
-Has trouble with rushdown, as it is hard for her to poke out with her horrible pokes
-Aa's are not reliable.

Overall, Sindel is a good character, but lacks any major strenghts, and does suffer vs various Mu's. I'd put her 19-21.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Kung Lao

Best mobility in the game
Solidly deals with other top tier characters in the game, even Kuh-Bawl
Fastest and longest reaching standing poke in the game
Great pressure/mix-up game
One of the best corner pressure in the game
Fastest wakeup/best anti air in the game (Spin)

Specials are unsafe
Mids/Overheads are slow


I don't play Runescape
Info copied from the MK Character FAQ
Thank @TheChad87 for the bulk of this

Also could someone tell me how to Spoiler this so it's not that bad of a mess? Thank you

- Can cancel almost any normal into special
- Difficult to zone effectively if he has meter
- Low and Overhead combo starters
- Great special attacks with large hitboxes
- Solid air control
- Solid footsies

- Easily zoned without meter
- Average damage output
- Mostly slow normals
- Slow movement
- Very few attacks safe on block
- Very poor zoning

Cyber Sub-zero
- Excellent mix-up
- Very fast movement
- Great pressure game
- Parry grants pressure escape
- Solid anti-zoning tactics
- Great corner pressure

- Mostly average damage output
- Weak footsies
- Mostly slow normals
- Poor zoning
- Teleport is very unsafe

- Most damaging combos in the game
- Long, elaborate combos which force breaker use
- Command throw leading to safe jump
- Largest capture hitbox in the entire game
- Unblockable bombs
- Meter draining special
- Solid footsies
- Standing reset
- Great corner pressure

- Weak against zoning
- Weak wake-up options
- Lacks a low hitting combo starter
- Teleport is very unsafe


- Flash grants projectile immunity
- EN Glow grants super armor to any attack while removing blockstun and knockdown
- Great control of spacing
- Many strings are safe on block
- Strong corner game

- Steep learning curve/Technically challenging
- Specials have a good deal of cooldown
- Slow normals
- Slow projectiles


- Excellent mix-up game
- Great enhanced specials
- Highest damage X-Ray in the game
- Builds meter quickly
- Devastating corner game
- Fastest uppercut in the game
- Difficult to zone effectively if he has meter

- Easily zoned without meter
- Average damage output

There's more to post, but I just want to show an example and a base that we can use, especially since much of this is easily outdated. Also that spoiler thing >_>
Sry about the Tsung thing, I just got it from the Tsung's guide in his foruns, and it's just and example...

I'm editing the topic