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Problems with the Game's Industry as a Whole


I’m not sure if it’s just my ADHD getting progressively worse and never having ever actually taken medication for it, or if the article linked in the OP is just poorly written, but I’ve tried to read it several times and it legitimately feels like I’m trying so hard to understand the point but keep failing.

Can someone give me a TLDR in concise manner? And I’m not saying dumb it down, just… what is the point that the writer is making? Btw like I said, I fully realize the problem could just be me. So if someone could help me out that’d be great lol

As far as the game industry, I have a lot of opinions. But idk if it’s related to this article/topic or not, which is why I want clarification before I start spouting off schtuff
In brief:

  • There's too much saturation in the industry today; simply too many video games available.
  • The cost of game development is ruinous to the industry itself, where a game needs to be the best seller to get a proper return on development costs and be considered a success
  • With services like Steam, smaller game developers have more ease of access to publish games, increasing competition to triple AAA publishers and driving up their costs to market and stay "relevant"
  • Indie devs are now feeling the pain with the saturation, as it's even more important for them to do well since they don't have a financial buffer the likes of which AAA studios have. Saturation is running them into the ground.
  • Many studios, AAA and indie, are not confident they'll survive the calendar year.
So the author's primary point is the current way, and cost, that games are developed and published is not a sustainable model.


  • The cost of game development is ruinous to the industry itself, where a game needs to be the best seller to get a proper return on development costs and be considered a success
I know this is one of their points, but again I really wonder how true it is. I know plenty of smaller studios/devs that are happy with modest hits, but they also don't dump a 40 man team on it. Gaming is an odd issue where things don't scale well though. The quality of product one good dev can put out in 10 years, vs the quality of product 4 devs can put out in, 2, isn't really high enough to justify the cost of the extra labor from the point of the consumer.


I will say, with respect to this generation, I am excited for Gears of War: E-Day. Unreal Engine 5 is the "advanced" engine today, and The Coalition and the Gears of War franchise has always been an Unreal Engine showcase.

We have yet to see any actual in-game footage yet, or even have a release date for the game, but I have high expectations that it will be one of the defining games, at least from a tech standpoint, of this generation.


I'm sure everyone has seen the official announcement of the PlayStation 5 Pro by now. Since most users here are on PlayStation consoles, what's everyone's general thoughts about the Pro; it's features, it's cost, and it's lack of a disc drive?


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I'm sure everyone has seen the official announcement of the PlayStation 5 Pro by now. Since most users here are on PlayStation consoles, what's everyone's general thoughts about the Pro; it's features, it's cost, and it's lack of a disc drive?
PS5 Pro = crap and fucking scam tactic from Sony ...... fuck off it , that's so, hehe ! :p


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Curious: Did you think that way about the PlayStation 4 Pro?
nope .... but for PS5 , is obvious that Sony lied to the customer base when promoting the console, promissing something that now we will see they are not able to delivery , and so, charging 700 USD for this little upgraded version, that will not benefit majority of the games already released and will last, what, 2 or 3 years until PS6 come out, that is enough to me not buying a PS5 Pro this time ..... the lack of serious competition will make Sony do this, wait and see PS6 what will happen , hehe ! Microsoft is too much imcopetent to threat Sony makert position, so, is almost a monopoly we will see here, and they will do whatever they want :laughing:


but for PS5 , is obvious that Sony lied to the customer base when promoting the console,
That's the thing isn't it. The PlayStation 5 was marketed on 3 things: 1) 60 FPS 2) Faster Load Times 3) Ray Tracing

Native 4K and support for 8K was also a thing.

Yet here we are, almost 4 years into the generation, and 60 FPS is indeed present, but with heavy visual compromises in many cases. Native 4K is rarely a thing and often image reconstruction (usually AMD's FSR 2) is relied upon. 8K was an actual lie that was finally removed from the PlayStation 5's box earlier this year. The faster load times was delivered on. Ray tracing, while present, generally is too expensive to be worth it.

So it does feel like the PlayStation 5 Pro is a console designed to deliver what was promised 4 years ago. Which is... pretty bad actually. A combination of "Quality" and "Performance" modes, a better upscaler in PSSR, and significantly improved ray tracing support.

... wait and see PS6 what will happen...
Here's the thing though: is the price of the PlayStation 5 Pro suggestive of what the cost of the 10th generation consoles will be? Is the lack of a disc drive an indication that even for PlayStation, they'll be going all-digital next gen? Those are important questions, and as @Eji1700 says, when you're getting to this price point, honestly, for a bit more you can get a gaming PC that can simply do more, including play PlayStation first party titles.

Microsoft is too much imcopetent...
I always find it funny when people say this, as Xbox actually isn't. People simple don't want to give them a chance and there's nothing but unwarranted negative perception against them for things Sony themselves do and get away with. Layoffs and treating studios poorly? Sony does this too. Releasing poor games? Sony does this too (though Microsoft actually supports failed projects i.e. Red Fall while Sony just axes things i.e. Concord. Remember, many of Sony's first party titles are not being received in the starry-eyed light they were several years back).

Xbox tends to be more honest and has better value then what PlayStation offers. I've posted about this in detail before, and many of these features people here simply didn't know existed before. In brief, things like Xbox Play Anywhere (buy a game and get both the console and PC version) and cross progression between PC and console, Microsoft Rewards (I've earned well over $100 CA in less then a year doing next to nothing) is infinitely better then PlayStation Stars, Game Pass is vastly superior then PlayStation Plus, etc.

The other thing to realize is what a console is: it's fixed platform that's sold for a loss where profit is made on software sales. It's a subsidized business model., Phil Spencer has stated that business model no longer works in today's market with the current development costs of games, thus why they've been seeking other revenue models. Xbox has been far less concerned in selling consoles this generation, and more focused on selling Game Pass subscriptions, becoming the world's largest publisher and going multiplatform, and strengthening support and position in the PC space.

The PlayStation 5 is the best selling console this generation and thus the "winner," yet the console has failed to meet Sony's sales targets and they've officially stated console sales will continue to decline. That's not exactly a market position to be excited about. Why do you think Sony is also much more focused in branching into the PC space now? Because consoles alone are no longer cutting it.

While both PlayStation and Xbox are committed to consoles for the upcoming 10th generation, Digital Foundry actually suspects the console as we know it will fade/change drastically for the 11th gen. They also think that what Xbox is doing now does look odd and even counterproductive, but down the road they suspect Xbox will come out stronger and be in a better position because they're adapting/changing to the market faster then Sony is. Time will tell, of course.

is almost a monopoly we will see here, and they will do whatever they want
Monopolies are never good things though. And it is interesting as PlayStation may indeed have a monopoly on the console market soon, and Xbox may have one on the publishing side.

The games industry is in such an odd place.

Update: One thing I forgot to elaborate on is that the console market is not growing. This generation, according to Phil Spencer, people who had PlayStation 4 consoles are buying PlayStation 5's, and people who had Xbox One's are buying Xbox Series. Makes sense, of course. The thing is, new customers are not coming into the fold to help off-set the development costs of the software.

Sony stated they wanted to have all PlayStation 4 customers on PlayStation 5 consoles after (I believe it was) 3 years. A few months back, Sony revealed that about half of active PlayStation Network users are still on PlayStation 4 consoles. So the PlayStation 5 failed to meet their sales targets. The "winning" console of this sorry generation is a "failed" console. Again, that's why Sony is branching out to the PC space (something they did far later then Xbox), because PlayStation needs to get their games to new customers, they need that revenue for it all to be commercially viable.

Last gen, the mid-gen consoles made up about 20% of total sales. I'm curious to see if the PlayStation 5 Pro will even hit 10%. Xbox stated a while back they were not doing a mid-gen refresh this generation, and I think they made the right call here based on how the market as a whole is doing.
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Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Sony stated they wanted to have all PlayStation 4 customers on PlayStation 5 consoles after (I believe it was) 3 years. A few months back, Sony revealed that about half of active PlayStation Network users are still on PlayStation 4 consoles. So the PlayStation 5 failed to meet their sales targets. The "winning" console of this sorry generation is a "failed" console. Again, that's why Sony is branching out to the PC space (something they did far later then Xbox), because PlayStation needs to get their games to new customers, they need that revenue for it all to be commercially viable.

Last gen, the mid-gen consoles made up about 20% of total sales. I'm curious to see if the PlayStation 5 Pro will even hit 10%. Xbox stated a while back they were not doing a mid-gen refresh this generation, and I think they made the right call here based on how the market as a whole is doing.
I think one thing is that it's harder to want to upgrade if you don't necessarily care too much about graphics and performance, because as we had discussed earlier, many of the games are the same.

If you're the average busy person and can't spend much time gaming and just hop on COD or Fortnite, or whatever, theres no reason to get a PS5 / XSX. Black Ops 6 still runs at 60 FPS on the old systems and has all the features, just isn't as pretty. Compare to 2015 with Black Ops 3, the 360 and PS3 version was so gimped it basically wasn't the same game. Now the players of one of the biggest shooters out there actually need to buy the new system to keep playing the game they love.

I remember being a teenager and owning a 360 in 2013 and looking at the calendar and thinking "fuck... I need to be sure I work enough to save for Xbox One because if I don't, there will be no Arkham Knight, MKX, soon to be no COD, no Halo 5 (hadn't given up on 343 yet), or Witcher 3. Uncharted 4 came out on PS4 in 2016. So, in 3 years we had huge games only being available on the new systems.

Now we just get PS4 / XB1 games at 60fps. Yaaaaaayyyyyy

I'm happy to play God of War 5 at like 90fps on a console in my living room hanging out with my wife. I love console gaming, I don't want to have to put a tower in my living room or go off to the goon cave to play games, I want to be with my family and play games. So, this has been a pretty disappointing generation.


I think one thing is that it's harder to want to upgrade if you don't necessarily care too much about graphics and performance, because as we had discussed earlier, many of the games are the same.

If you're the average busy person and can't spend much time gaming and just hop on COD or Fortnite, or whatever, theres no reason to get a PS5 / XSX. Black Ops 6 still runs at 60 FPS on the old systems and has all the features, just isn't as pretty. Compare to 2015 with Black Ops 3, the 360 and PS3 version was so gimped it basically wasn't the same game. Now the players of one of the biggest shooters out there actually need to buy the new system to keep playing the game they love.

I remember being a teenager and owning a 360 in 2013 and looking at the calendar and thinking "fuck... I need to be sure I work enough to save for Xbox One because if I don't, there will be no Arkham Knight, MKX, soon to be no COD, no Halo 5 (hadn't given up on 343 yet), or Witcher 3. Uncharted 4 came out on PS4 in 2016. So, in 3 years we had huge games only being available on the new systems.

Now we just get PS4 / XB1 games at 60fps. Yaaaaaayyyyyy

I'm happy to play God of War 5 at like 90fps on a console in my living room hanging out with my wife. I love console gaming, I don't want to have to put a tower in my living room or go off to the goon cave to play games, I want to be with my family and play games. So, this has been a pretty disappointing generation.
Yup. I can easily hope back to my Xbox One X, and have a great time playing almost all the same games.