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Primal Rage at Winter Brawl?

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
It's random but should be possible, I can bring it, arcade version for PS2. Anyone interested in trying it? I'm down for it if this thread gets like 8 people interested or so by the 17th. Was talking to Blackula and the thought just shot out of my head. I know it's not like the BEST IDEA EVER, but some people might enjoy it for a small $2 side tourney or w/e...bigger if need be.

I don't think we even set up a PS2 at NECXII, but we could use it for alot of different games we never make it to at most tournaments. Let's see if we can rile up 8, people for starters. This would just be another possibility w/ MKT, CvS2 and w/e other games are for "extra time if we have it". Feel free to comment on any fighting game a group of 8 or more would like doing ans I'll see what we can work out w/ the bosses. :)
