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Strategy Pressure Stringing with Zatanna


Sooo the past few days I've been in the lab working on pressure strings with Zatanna in the corner. She has shitty strings, but there are a few gems that shine. I'll give u an example after f21 (on hit. in the corner)

f3 221 3xxdb1MB 3 bf2 (confirm into bf3 on hit)

This pressure string does decent chip and visual batters the opposition w pressure. Although alot of it is mid, its still an ever going frame trap. I have a few others I was working on as well, but I'd like your guys input. maybe you guys have good pressure strings midscreen? Lemme know. I will update the post as I go along!!


i find her mid screen pressure is harder to grasp... other than canceling f21 into a teleport behind... i do find myself trying to rush down more with her and her j3 is a nice crossup into 22 xxmultikick or some other variation.... sorry i dont have more to contribute, im a slow learner! lol


I'll have to try this later. Just come out of the Lab with her and I'm struggling. Everything feels off somehow and her damage is so low. Just some random 19 hit with 2 bars was 35% I think. Early days though and I'm going to persist with her if I can.